Chapter SixtyFour- Flint.

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(A double update, you guys deserve it <3 )

Narcissa and I took a slow walk back home after taking a further away entrance/exit accessible by floo powder. I think she was taking into account I wouldn't have much to do at home and only half of the day had been spent productively.

We opened the front door to the sound of laughter from the living room.

We both glanced at each other, and I quickly realised Narcissa wasn't expecting company either and I wasn't to imagine a surprise party being thrown for me anytime soon. I'd witness a wolf under a blue moon sooner than a party thrown for me. Regulus only got a fancy family dinner and cake and he's the family favourite.

We wandered down the hall, taking unusually quiet steps. Narcissa stepped ahead of me to take the full force of interrupting the laughter. I stood closely behind.

"Artemis. Finally." I heard my father's voice boom, unusually happy. Almost false.

"Not right now Cygnus! Let the girl straighten herself out!" Mother chirped up, almost launching herself out of her chair at the sight of me. Gesturing me to leave the doorway as she followed.

Their abnormally joyful behaviour unsettled me.

I was ushered into the bathroom as Narcissa was shooed away. Leaving me alone to decipher what was going on because it didn't feel natural to be fussed over in such manner.

Mother fussed with my hair up and out of my face, pinning small white flowers around my crown.

"To represent purity." She admired out loud and something instinctive told me she wasn't talking about my bloodline. I awkwardly smiled.

I was demanded to get out of the plain outfit I wore shopping, into a formal gown. She handed me a dress that once belonged to Andromeda. A pale green that I felt made me look sickly, though I remember it suiting Andy. This was here Yule Ball dress.

Mother delicately placed one of her own pearl necklaces around my throat, which she lingered around the clasp for a while.

"Do not touch this. I'll take it off for you later." She said sternly, obviously not trusting me with her belongings...but putting them on me anyway?

Lastly, she dusted light pink rouge on my cheeks after giving them a quick pinch to observe where it would naturally appear.

"Be on your best behaviour. Smile. Be gracious. Compliment him. Be respectful and...happy birthday." She glanced at me through the reflection of her dressing table. She took a deep breath in, composed herself and then waltzed out of the room, beckoning me to follow.

I took a look at myself before leaving. Feeling hideously uncomfortable. I loved wearing dresses, not gowns. I didn't like wearing my hair up and felt an awful amount of pressure to keep my fingers off the string of pearls around my neck, though the sensation of them felt too heavy to ignore.

I wandered back downstairs, obeying. Gracing a small smile on my face before entering the living room.

"Flavius Flint this is one of my daughters, Artemis Black." My Father reached out to welcome me into the room.

I glanced down at the man who didn't rise from his seat as I walked across the room. He looked me up and down, a smirk slowly appearing across his face.

Once I was almost placed in front of the chair he occupied, he finally stood to greet me. Taking my hand and lifting it to his lips to plant a small, but wet, kiss on.

"Pleasure to meet you Artemis. I hear you're eighteen today." He said confidently.

I nodded politely and took the seat next to my Mother.

BLACK MOON ⍋  Remus LupinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang