Chapter Six - Potting Mandrake.

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I quickly got on my robes and prepared myself for a long day ahead of me. I missed breakfast and feeling beyond anxious, like I could throw up at any given second and thought perhaps Mother was right, I'm not cut out for Hogwarts? Was she just looking after me in her own stern way? At this very moment, it seemed plausible.

I softly pushed my way past Lily, who was still bickering with the boy, James  (that I refused to look at incase he ruined my imaginary version of him) outside our dorm and tried sliding past him as discreetly as I could. I kept my hair down hiding my face, barely being able to see myself as I quickly ran down the swirly stairs past them both.

"That's Sirius' cousin right?" I heard him ask Lily quickly.

"I think so, anyway-" she replied and the rest became inaudible as I moved further away.

I forced my way out into the common room seeing a number of people hanging around the fire waiting before lessons started. I didn't even take time to absorb any of their faces or words before I forced open the portrait painting harshly and started figuring out the direction to my first class, herbology.


"Wait Artemis?" I snapped my head up from the light wizarding chess game me and Peter had been playing but it was too late, she had already escaped the common room, the door creaking loudly behind her. 

I hadn't actually pieced together yet that her being sorted into Gryffindor meant I would see her in my territory. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Wait that's your cousin?" Peter mumbled looking honestly confused.

"We discussed this last night mate, yeah." I rolled my eyes at how slow he was being processing this information.

"She was in the train cabin I tried reserving for us yesterday" He replied nonchalantly and moved a figure in the chess game.

"Wait, really?" I snapped paying full attention to his face, ignoring his move.

"Yeah, she seemed nice. Quiet but nice!" he smiled and made a move for me on the chessboard.

"Doesn't mean she's still not another member of the black family freak show" I mumbled keeping my eye on the portrait door as if she was going to come storming back in at any second to scold me about the insult. 

I scraped back the rest of my hair into a bun behind my head and turned to a coughing noise on the seats behind me.

"What?" I rolled my eyes at Remus who was smirking at me slightly.

"You honestly can't be bitter towards someone who appears quite similar to yourself? Or can you?" he asked amused, gathering his stuff and sorting them into a neat pile.

"Similar?" I scoffed "She's a little freak like the rest of them, she's more like Narcissa than she would care to admit and you saw her suffocating Reggie last night!" I puffed out getting slightly agitated.

"If you say so, but then again Narcissa wasn't sorted into Gryffindor." He simply replied, gathering his books from his side and shoving them underneath his arm ready for class. He shrugged his shoulders at me to gesture I should think about what he's saying.

"No chance that you're going to befriend your own cousin anytime soon then? We won't have to worry about making more space at lunch?" Remus asked more genuinely as he ruffled up his hair slightly.

"No chance. Just because she got sorted into Gryffindor doesn't give her a pass to friendship. I said goodbye to the Black family and I intend to keep it that way...except Regulus of course. You know this!" I hissed, causing Remus to raise his hands up in defence.

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