Chapter 131- The Plot.

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A few months passed by and life was beginning to get back on track. Everyone being able to include each other in all jokes and conversations without having to pick up the pieces.

Each day was getting easier to deal with grief, sadness slowly being replaced by the excitement that life continued regardless. The acceptance that Regulus forever lived on in my memories and that I was still entitled to go on and create more with happiness taking the forefront.

Sirius was beginning to smile more, was beginning to joke along with his friends again. He was still living with James and Lily, but there were talks of him becoming healthy enough to start living alone once more; though they both were going to miss his help with the baby.

Remus was still planning on how to ask Sirius to be his best man. Waiting for the perfect moment, where Remus felt that Sirius was ready to feel the full amount of joy in the request, or at least rationally enough to decline and not eventually regret it.

I was so thrilled that Remus wanted to ask Sirius, I couldn't think of a better person to be the best man at our wedding. It was nice to know a family member would actually be attending, let alone acting as an important role.

Although I was secretly hoping, prior to finding out, that Remus was going to ask James. Though I'd never admit it.

I wanted Sirius to walk me down the isle.

Now I wasn't so sure who I wanted to do that job. I suppose no one had to, nothing about me craved an overly traditional day. If anything, I almost craved to run off and get married secretly. No fuss or too much attention. Just simplicity. Just us. On our terms.

Remus and I were planning to get married in a year. Giving us enough time to save and plan, and allow the people around us time to heal and plan childcare for the event. We both loved baby Harry and Neville, but wanted a childfree wedding. An excuse for us all to get a bit tipsy with each other again, with little to no responsibility.

Before I got completely lost in thought, a knock sounded at my front door.

I rushed to it, ready to great my expected visitor.

"Fuck me, it's getting cold outside." Marlene shivered as she pushed her way through and into the house.

I laughed as she pushed the door closed behind her.

"So I talked to him," she began.

"And?" I asked curiously.

I had asked Marlene to check up on Peter, as his behaviour had been shifting to another kind of weird recently. Less bitchy but more secretive. I had wondered if his attitude was actually just anxiety for his future, after seeing his reaction to the conversation a few months back at the engagement reveal get together.

"Didn't tell me much but he did say he's glad not all of his mates want to go off and have kids. So," Marlene revealed with a shrug.

"Not a kid person?" I asked.

"Have you ever seen him hold Neville or Harry? No. Of course he's not a kid person." Marlene laughed loudly.

"I don't see how any of us actually growing up affects him though." I said in an almost sulky voice.

"Peter hasn't got anyone else, but those boys. Us girls haven't always been part of their little gang." Marlene said.

"Yeah, but you all aren't fourteen anymore." I reminded her.

"I know that, I think he forgets." She rolled her eyes.
"I'm happy for you all and I'm not getting married or having babies. Remember." She added.

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