Chapter SeventyFour- Flat 2b.

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Arty's POV.

I did exactly what Mary suggested. Visited Bubbles and picked myself up a few fake potions and decided to head back to the muggle bookshop. I wanted to grab myself another storybook, this time with a pretty cover, and go read in a park somewhere. I was finding enjoyment out of solitude instead of having to cope within it.

The fake potions were interesting. Looking identical to ones you'd buy or brew, but bigger portions- like an actual bottle size. I almost felt hesitant buying the fake love potion, I didn't want to mess with a real one. A love potion was an ethical and legal grey area- the affects only last so long before they fade away and is easily cured with a special tonic, but it has always felt a little suspicious to me that the potion is easily accessible to anyone who wants to use it. Nonetheless, I was assured they were fake and created with fun in mind and was given an ingredients list to go through to calm my suspicions.

With my bag stocked full of nice, cool looking drinks. I headed back to the muggle bookshop I had wished to buy a book from yesterday but didn't have enough of the correct currency to check off my list.

As I was looking through the old, dusty wooden shelves, I came across a lovely deep purple leatherback cover. Alice in Wonderland. I remembered the title from the Halloween party in Hogwarts. I dressed as Alice, though I've never read the book. It was one of his favourites, I remember James telling me. I picked it up and quickly flicked through it and as I did the older man who approached me last time started huffing down the aisle.

"I'm buying it this time!" I threw my hands up in sarcastic surrender. I wasn't being told off for checking through the book. What if someone had damaged some of the pages and I didn't know, I wasn't paying almost twenty muggle pounds for a leatherback book and it not be worth it. I'd just go back to that huge muggle shop and buy a less charming version again for much much cheaper if that was the case.

I went up to pay and left. Heading to a nearby park to relax and read. Being independent has been heavenly so far, but i slight worry did creep into my mind about whether I was just enjoying it because I could actually spend time in the sunshine. What will my days look like when I couldn't escape outdoors without getting soggy? The anxious thought was pushed aside. A worry for a different day. This week was about easing into things and not planning a cemented routine, I reminded myself.

Remus' POV.

I wandered back to the leaky cauldron after a lazy morning of flicking through a rubbish quidditch magazine and cooking Peter and I a big English breakfast. I didn't work weekends and so tried to take advantage of the time I could have in bed and just relax as much as I could, especially if I had stayed up late the night before like I did last night.

I'm pretty sure I left my ID at the pub last night as it's nowhere to be seen though, which is why I forced myself into productivity and walked back to the pub.

I pushed open the door to the leaky cauldron and saw that Mary had given up on her shift already and was skimming through a paper that was probably disregarding by someone else. She wasn't a big reader despite being put into Ravenclaw. She was more creative than academic.

She saw me and her eyes lit up and she jumped to attention.

"It's like I manifested you!" She said excitedly and beckoned me over.

"Aw you think of me when you're bored?" I fake gushed.

"Sure if that makes you feel good about yourself. I've actually got something really exciting to tell you!" She demanded I took a seat at the bar and started to pour me out a drink, sneakily on the house. I never refused a free drink though I wasn't in the mood for one.

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