Chapter Thirty - Discovering The Tower.

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I hobbled over to the large round table at the back of the three broomsticks.

James was playing with Lily's hair, she ignored him for a conversation with Marlene and Sirius. Peter was dozing off on Sirius' shoulder.

I slammed myself down on the empty seat beside Peter, waking him up in an instant.

"Oi alright, calm down!" Peter jumped. I rolled my eyes at him.

"What's wrong Moony?" Sirius spoke up, shoving Peters head back so he could see me properly. I looked angrily at Lily and Marlene. Both their faces giving each other nervous unknowing glances.

"Bitching about Arty? Bold move considering you share a dorm with her. Always a risk of her overhearing! Or hadn't you thought?" I questioned them both, they sank with shame in their seats.

"Remus it wasn't quite like that-" Lily begun. I raised my eyebrows at her for her to continue explaining.

James had dropped her red hair from his fingers and looked uncomfortable , knowing I wouldn't be confrontational if I didn't feel it was necessary but also wanting to reassure Lily who was going bright pink in the face. Sense told him to keep his mouth shut, for once.

Peter and Sirius were both also staring at the sinking Marlene and Lily. Sirius' arm snaked around Marlene and gave her a reassuring squeeze, making her sit back up properly.

"You have to admit she acts weird. Hot one second and cold the next. We don't know how to take her, Remus!" Marlene spoke up with Sirius' encouragement.

"What has she done to make you guys feel this way?" I asked.

"She hasn't done much, that's the problem. It feels like she doesn't try. She's willing to joke around and be a part of things and then the next moment she's distant, literally nowhere to be seen in some cases- hanging out with Severus! Giggling with us in the next moment! Missing from meals and then sitting down the next day without explanation!" Lily nervously explained.

"It's confusing." the girls said at the same time.

"Here's the deal..." I started, whilst frowning. My eyes landing thoughtfully on the wooden table. Clasping my hands firmly on the table.

"He has a plan." the boys smirked at each other. The girls laughed nervously.

"You two are going to be the girls we all know you are-" I pointed at Lily and Marlene.

"There's a sisterhood there, an obvious one and not to be involved in that clearly must feel unwelcoming.  Lily, you're sweet, charming but not to be underestimated, you know what you have to do. Marlene, you're funny and a bit of a bitch but we love you for it, don't stop that because you think Arty is sensitive. She'll pick up you're holding back!" Marlene and Sirius laughed at my comment about her.

"Peter, she likes you, I can tell so stop avoiding conversation just because she's a she-"

"James, involve her. I've not seen you once take any interest. She's going to be involved more from now on so get used to it-"

"Sirius, I thought you were going to make up to her?" I finally questioned.

"I did, don't you remember?" He whined.

"Getting her high, apologising that night and then when sobering up, holding back insults in exchange for rolled eyes, isn't changed behaviour it's just a change of behaviour" I warned.

"I'll figure something out" he huffed.

"I know you will, you're brilliant Sirius! Intelligent, great sense of humour, resilient and loyal. There's no room for pettiness right now, she deserves to see what we see about you and you deserve to have her respect!" I said as Sirius started burning up in the face.

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