Chapter Seventy- Vault 584.

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I was tucked up in the tightly fitted bedding, the adrenaline that pumped through my body making it difficult to sleep, though I could feel my body begin to feel heavy.

The moonlight shone through the small window and the springs in the bed creaked and pinged with every little movement I made to get comfortable. Which was a little difficult to do, but I couldn't complain.

It felt odd to truly be alone.

Though for two years I was confined to my bedroom, only being allowed to leave for the bathroom or for food (unless my siblings were home and then I ate alone) ... I knew I wasn't ever alone. Just ignored.

I could get out of bed now, turn on all the lights, walk around the hallway outside with shoes on and no one could stop me.

I could get out of bed now and decide to go for a late night walk. I could have a late night shower. I could wake up tomorrow and not make the bed, not brush my hair and go and buy a short skirt. All because I can.

I won't, obviously. I understood I should actually get back to sleep, finally and tomorrow I will probably have to be discreet about what I do- perhaps for a while I'll have to lay low.

Somehow during my racing thoughts I fell asleep. Dreaming about the possibilities of the life ahead of me.

I was awoken by loud running down the hallway outside my door, followed by layered sounds of children laughing.

"Can you do a cartwheel? Look!" One of them shouted.

"Girls, be quiet." A mother sounded, heels sounding down the hallway also.

The walls were unbelievably thin as noticed last night. But the sounds made me smile. The sounds signified free living!

I looked at the clock on the dresser opposite me, 9:50am.

A lie in felt amazing, I was never allowed to sleep past 7:30am. Of course, I was never checked on enough for them to realise I took a short nap in the afternoon most days but it felt amazing to not have to join anyone for breakfast.

At the thought of breakfast however, my stomach gurgled slightly. I had somehow found a comfortable position in the springy bed and didn't feel the need to succumb to my hunger just yet. Anyway, I was meeting Narcissa at noon and I wasn't sure if she had packed me any money to buy any food. I've never had my own.

Despite being curled up, I looked at the sunshine that beamed through the tiny window and started to daydream of all the things I could do.

I could explore muggle territory if I wanted!
I could get a job and open my own bank account!
I could visit any shop I wanted to!
I could take long wanders around parks and go on my own trips!
I could get a pet!
I could wear whatever I please!

I threw the covers off of me and jumped out of bed, walking over to the sunshine spot in the room and feeling the warmth on my face.

I rummaged through my suitcase and got changed. Nothing out of the ordinary, yet and ruffled up my shorter hair in the mirror. I didn't have to brush it perfectly if I didn't want to.

I finished off getting ready and decided to adventure outside of the room.

There was a clattering from plates downstairs and the smell of scrambled eggs. As I walked down, a small girl rushed past me in the opposite direction, not bothering to say 'excuse me' or apologise for the slight collusion. I didn't mind, it was quite refreshing seeing a child act so brazen and not worried about being polite.

"Sorry about her, she likes running." A tired looking woman scootched past me to go follow her.

There were a number of, I assumed, travellers sat around the tables. Mostly already finished breakfast and were chatting amongst themselves. Many were beginning to leave for their days ahead.

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