Chapter Four - The Sorting Hat.

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It was dark outside when I finally unlocked the toilet door, trying to nudge my way into the stream of students flooding out of each train compartment and onto the Hogwarts train station platform.

My hands were beyond freezing and I mentally cursed myself for not taking a jacket out of my trunk before it was taken away. Everyone had changed into their Hogwarts robes, including the first years that were being showed around by some prefects. I felt terribly out of place considering I hadn't changed yet as I locked myself in the toilet for so long...way to stand out. Something that I didn't want.

I sucked up some courage and tapped on a Ravenclaw girls shoulder, she whirled around quickly, eyebrows raised and chest puffed out.

"I'm new" I awkwardly laughed "Don't suppose you can you be my own version of a private prefect?" I laughed and pointed over to a bunch of small eleven year olds following a Hufflepuff prefect boy.

"I am a prefect!" She winked pointing to her badge "wasn't meant to be on duty but I suppose I can help" she sarcastically rolled her eyes, jokingly and started ushering me to follow everyone else.

"I'm Lola Lucksworth" she introduced herself to me. She reached her hand out to me.

I stuck out a stiff hand and she shook it lightly "Arty." I simply replied and followed her through the crowd like a lost puppy.

"Home schooled?" she questioned and my eyes flashed with slight happiness like she had waved a lollypop in the face of a five year old.

"Is this common then? P-people being new, c-coming from home?" I stuttered with hope.

"Unfortunately not, I just presumed since you didn't seem like a transfer student...and even that's rare. Don't suppose you come from Ilvermorny or Beauxbatons?" She questioned.

"No you're quite right" I shook my head feeling stupid that I let myself be hopeful that my current situation wasn't as bizarre as it felt.

We mainly stayed in silence after that other than her checking on me every now and then to check that I was still following through the crowd. We finally reached a point where wizard traffic started to form, everyone coming to a halt.

"Hop into one of the carriages and it'll take you the rest of the way, good luck! Nice meeting you!" she smiled and parted with her friends to a Ravenclaw filled carriage.

I awkwardly glanced around to find an empty carriage but couldn't find one that didn't already have pairs or groups in.

"Can I take the last seat?" I asked a couple of kind looking Hufflepuff girls, who looked like they were in their third year.

"Yeah sure!" They all chorused together, giving me a slight glance before returning to their huddled positions.

The trip on the carriage was short lived, thankfully, considering I didn't manage to speak to any of the kind faced girls once the carriages started moving, all gossiping frantically about their holidays away.

Friendship seemed to scream at me from every corner I ended up in, but none of it had found itself to me yet...maybe I'm expecting something dreamlike too soon.


Before we all went into the great hall for the sorting ceremony I was allowed to quickly change into the robes I had forgotten about prior to our arrival. Like Slughorn said, I waited at the back of the first years line- almost blending in with the prefects until they all took their seats as we walked into the great hall. Unfortunately then I was a little more noticeable due to the height difference between me and the other students.

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