Chapter 138- Christmas.

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Remus POV

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Remus POV.

Surprisingly, I woke up before Arty. Which I think is because of a childlike excitement towards Christmas I pretend not to have.

Arty was lightly snoring, her mouth open and in such a deep sleep I could manage to ease myself from the way her legs wrapped around my torso and slide out of bed. Making sure to keep her tucked into our soft sheets.

I left a small kiss on her forehead before sneakily heading downstairs.

Our past two Christmas' together have been with the group. Lots of decorations. Lots of company and gifts.

This year was our first Christmas alone.

Lily and James wanted to experience Harry's first Christmas just their little family; Alice and Frank wanting to do the same with Neville.

And after figuring out Sirius was in the city again and Peter coming to the conclusion that we didn't need to worry too much anymore, both Peter and Marlene had risked going back home to their families for Christmas too.

Mum rang me the other day and I confided in her that because of my low paid job and the weather conditions...Arty and I didn't have much to work with this year. I didn't expect anything from my parents, they're both retired and on a tight budget themselves...regardless, Mum told me to wake up early on Christmas Day and keep an eye out for our old family owl; Ffion.

As I snuck downstairs, feet freezing and floorboards creaking, I heard a tapping on the kitchen window.

Ffion asking to be let in with his beak, with a brown paper parcel strapped to his back.

"Hey fella." I whispered, giving his head a gentle stroke with one finger and untying the package from his responsibility.
"Take this to Mum for me." I said and placed a Christmas card in his beak.

With that he happily began flying back to Wales.

I untied the brown paper package to reveal...fairy lights and a note.

Remus & Arty,

Christmas isn't Christmas without a twinkle.

Sending you both love and light
Mum & Dad

I shook my head with a small laugh. James must have wrote to them to say we didn't have fairy lights put up.

We harvested a tree, for free as a thank you from one of the neighbours (for handiwork I had done for them earlier in the year) and already had ornaments to decorate it; both gifted from previous years and handmade.

We couldn't afford fairy lights and Arty had pretended she wasn't bothered. I could tell she was, she loved fairy lights. So much so that I couldn't help but love them too.

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