31 • Pure-Blooded Assassin

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• H A M I L T O N •

As soon as I got back to my dorm, I took my scarf and mask off, along with my shirt. I don't mind the scars, my boyfriends aren't here anyway.

My clothes got drenched in blood. Boss certainly didn't think this through. Sending an assassin who hasn't been assassinating for a month and a half to a job would cause problems, especially when they're bored and depressed.

I was to kill John Andre, another victim, and suprise suprise, he's a rapist. It sightly brought down my excited mood but that got fixed as soon as I literally sliced half of his body with my knife. I'm not kidding. I saw his intestines go 'SQUELCH' and his bones go 'CRICKLE CRACK" and his earraping scream.

And I was in an open alleyway, so a lost teen girl who was wondering the streets at 12 am saw me poking his eyeballs and screamed. I think she called 911, 'cause I heard sirens like, a mile away. And that gave me enough time to scram.

I think I'm gonna go nuts.

I'm so hungry.

Not for food, but for blood spraying everywhere.

...I'm going crazy.

What the heck have you done, you floofy-haired freaks?

This happens once in a while... I go depressed, then go psycho.

And I just realize my black and red parkour boots are bloodstained. Great. I may love blood everywhere on me, but I hate it on my boots. Like, come on!

I also took my boots off, then sat on the couch.

I feel... blank all of a sudden.

I don't know how or what I feel, and I don't know how to express it.

Is this what it feels like to be left alone by your boyfriends for a week and your mom permanently?


Morning came, and I'm aware of that because of the time.

I hadn't slept again last night. I just... stared at the wall, occasionally licking my bloody knife.

I miss John and Thomas. I miss Mom.


I miss what pain feels like.

I looked over at my knife... no, I can't do that. My boyfriends will be disappointed in me...

Then there were knocks on the door.

Shit, my clothes.

I quickly took them from the floor and threw them under my bed, then attempted to hide my mask and knife inside my cabinet.

I took the nearest shirt and flung it over my upper body to cover my scars. It was a little too big for me, but I guess it isn't so bad.

Sighing, I made my way to the door and unlocked it. A part of me hoped it was them, but I nearly frowned when I saw who was at outside.

It was the gang, without James.

"Hey, Guys... what are you doing here?"

"We wanted to check on you, mon ami, since Thaurens left to their families. May we come in?"

"Oh, sure." I didn't have enough time to ask what 'Thaurens' is when they all grabbed a console each and hopped on the couch, then turned the TV on.

And, you guessed it, they started to play Assassin's Creed.

I sat beside Eliza, but I didn't play. I just watched them do so. They chose to play Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.

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