53 • Going Insane

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The next day, Jared was taken to the hospital to have his wounds treated. Evan's never left his side since, and neither did Connor.

Unsurprisingly, he grew fond of Alexander, John, and Thomas. He got their numbers and would always chat with them. It didn't take long 'till they were completely friends.

As days passed by, the pill's side effects got worse. Alexander gave up on believing what's real anymore. So he locked himself in his room one day.

• A L E X A N D E R •

I hear chatter outside. Just chatter. I can make out a few voices... Eliza, Hercules... James, my boyfriends'... maybe there are the others too.

I don't know. Maybe they're bees, or my mind's messing with me again.

I can't enhance my senses now... neither can I turn any lights on or listen to anything but distant mumbles. If I do, it'll cause me a great amount of pain.

It's only been a few days, yet it seemed as if... it's been a hundred years in here.

Dead bodies... hearts... knives... they're everywhere.

Suicide notes.


"Get up."


I feel my stomach churn, so I rushed to the bathroom and vomitted on the toilet.

I can't breathe. What's going on?

"Turn on the lights."

I said not now!

I can't see a thing though... I feel like there's someone here with me... I just can't see without enhancing my eyesight.

But I can't turn on the light. It'll just make everything worse...

A winced at the loud creaking. The immense pain surged theough every nerve in my body. Unintentionally, my tears fell, stinging my eyes.

It hurts. Everything hurts.

Make it stop...

Make it stop!

Please, make it stop!


"STAY AWAY!!" I screamed at an unrecognizable blur and backed away to the farthest corner, covering my ears.

A series of rings shot my head like a dagger.

I couldn't take it. But I forced myself to open my eyes.


I instantly reached out to him, unsure if he's just a hallucination. But when I felt the warmth I was so familiar with, I grabbed onto him like he's the only person keeping me alive.

A pair of arms held me delicately, and I instantly melted into the touch.

Please don't let go.

"It hurts.. make it stop...!" I sobbed into his chest.

"It's alright... don't worry..."

I yelped as another painful shrill nearly exploded my brains.

I feel vibrations, but it didn't feel harmful. Is Thomas calling someone on the phone?

"Hey, this is Jefferson."

I'm grateful he kept his voice down. He must've noticed the way I flinched at every sound made.

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