11 • Escape and Victory

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• A L E X A N D E R •

"John, do you have a lighter or a box of matches?"

"Um..." He looked through all his pockets, finally finding the thing he was looking for.

He pulled out a red lighter and handed it to me, slightly being cautious of the knife I'm holding. Can't blame his cautiousness though. I did nearly kill him multiple times.

I took the lighter and flicked on the switch, fire emitting from the top. I let the flame burn brighter for a while. After doing so, I put it under my knife.

"What are you doing?" Jefferson raised an eyebrow. Oh god, he's so oblivious.

"You'll see." I replied.

It took five minutes for my knife to completely burn. Not melt, as in, like an iron. The color changed from gray to a bright orange, meaning we can finally escape.

I put on my mask, then pierced my knife through the wall. Hmph, as expected. It did some damage. The immense heat remaining on my knife was enough to cut through metal.

I continued tracing a huge square shape on the wall, smirking behind my mask.

I kicked the metal square, making it fall off the other side.

"Impressive." Jefferson gasped, to which a grinned. Not that he would notice.

"Yeah, and RISKY! You cut through the metal window! We can't jump from the the third floor!" John complained. I rolled my eyes at him, completely unfazed.

"Whatever. Just, think of something." I stated. Taking one step, then falling of the mansion in the process. I grabbed onto the mansion's walls, holding onto small seals.

I made it to the ground, wiping any speck of dirt I might've left on my clothes.

Looking up at the window I jumped off of, I realize it would take them forever to get down. Why? 'Cause I can literally hear them arguing from down here.

• J O H N •

"I AM NOT GOING DOWN THERE!!!" I argued against Jefferson while wiggling out of his grasp on my arm.

"YES WE ARE." He stated firmly. He pulled on his grappling hook, smiling in content knowing it was secure.

He made the decision of bringing me down with him. But I was like, 'Oh hell naw, biach.' And I REFUSE to let this hot idiot drag me down the seemilngly 100 ass meter mansion!


I grabbed my gun, pointing it at his face. "OH YES I WILL."


I was about to say something, but Thomas was having none of that.

He finally jumped off, pulling me down with him.

I screamed like a girl and clung onto him. He didn't push me off or anything, but he just held me back, except tighter.

Oh god, my face is burning up someone give me an ice pack-

Wow that was quick. We were finally on the ground.

"OH THANK GOD!" I exclaimed and hugged the grass.

"We need to hurry up. People are crowding the streets to see the museum lights." Alexander reminded us, sounding almost upset. Why though? Oh well, I'll just have to think of it later.

Alexander began to jump on rooftops again, Jefferson swinging through the windows and anything he can get ahold of with his grappling hook, while I just followed them in the alleyways.

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