6 • Secrets Revealed

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• T H O M A S •

I woke up in a familiar room, head pounding endlessly. I tried to reach out to something, only to realize I was tied up against a chair.

"What the--"

"Jefferson." A voice snapped at me. John came into view holding a gun and pointing it at me.

"Why were you with him?" He asked rather aggressively. I knew what he meant, but can I really tell him that I was a spy?

"To join forces with him." Just keep lying.

"I knew you were a jerk but I've never thought for you to... to help sabotage the city." There was a hint of sadness in his voice. He clicked his gun, ready to shoot.

"Are you really going to go with him to bomb the museum?"

"Y-yes..." I gulped.

"Fine, then. I'll shoot at the count of three."

"John, you don't have to do this--"


"Put the gun down--"


"Alright, I'll tell you everything!" Fuck lying.

The fierce look in his eyes calmed down as he waited for me to say something.

"I'm a spy, okay? I work in Techo Secret Society and I've been instructed to fake joining teams with Adams to know of his plans."

He seemed convinced, which is a good sign. He dropped his gun and went over to me. He untied the ropes with something sharp, thank god.

"I guess there's no point hiding my secret from you then."

"The secret of you being an agent who works in a powerful agency that gave you the title The Tiger?"

He looked at me with a shocked expression.

"How do you know? I kept all my information private on the internet."

"Adams told me. He's got serious hacking skills."

"No doubt... and is it a coincidence we were sent on the same mission?"


"I mean, your mission is to spy on Adams, and my mission is to diactivate the bomb he made or put it somewhere safe."

"True, but I don't really think it's just a coincidence."

Our short chatter was interrupted with a loud thud from the door. By instinct, me and John rushed to check what it was.

• J O H N •

What I saw shattered my heart.

Alexander was unconcious on the floor, blood gushing out of his arm.

I ran to his side and carried him in my arms, then bolted to my room. I laid him on my bed and went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit.

When I went back, Alexander's eyes were slightly open, pain was visible in them.

Thomas had the same concerning eyes as mine, but I don't believe him. He never cares about anyone, especially Alex.

I started treating his arm, Alex wincing every now and then.

When I finished wrapping the bandage, he relaxed and quickly fell asleep.

I noticed something beside him. A mask with a scar on the right eye... kinda creepy. And a knife in his pocket?

Wait, those look familiar...

"He's the deadliest assassin in all of New York. Midnight." Jefferson said from my left.

"Midnight... is Alexander? How do you know?" I asked him.

"Adams told me as well. People have spread rumors about Midnight, how they would see him holding a gray-ish knife and wear a smiling mask and a scarf."

Alexander has all those. A gray knife, a smiling mask, and a scarf.


My roommates are awesome.

But Alex is scary.

Though, how'd he get the injury on his arm?

Thomas left to his room, leaving me to my thoughts.

I need to process everything that's happening. Thomas is a spy who works at Techo Secret Society... Alexander is Midnight who works at... I don't know, and our same target is John Adams.

Thomas' purpose for joining him is to gather all the information he could to be able to prevent him from bombing the city, and Alexander...

Is he sent to kill Adams?

Well, he is an assassin, but isn't it illegal? He could go to jail! Unless... he's a legal assassin. ( I made that up )
He can kill people as long as it's the right ones.

This isn't just a mere coincidence... right?

Forget it, I need to work on a camera.

I dragged my suitcase out of the closet and opened it. My gadgets immediately reveal itselves.

I grabbed a tiny pin, a few wires, two pairs of tweezers, a skinned SIM card, and a tiny lens, then placed it all on the small flat surface in my suitcase.

I carefully connected the wires on the sim card's surface, placing them in an orderly way, following with the small lens and connecting it with the wires.

After a bit of testing, I stuck the SIM card with the wires and lens into the pin with super glue. The glue doesn't effect electricity, so it's of great use with gadgets(I'm just making this all up, so kids, don't do this at home).

I logged in the SIM card's number into my ipad. I saved the number and did a bit of processing into it with the different settings in my ipad.

Finally, a camera screen popped up, revealing my triumphant face where the pin was facing me.

It actually worked. I did this a long time ago that I thought I forgot how to make it.

I'm gonna need to put this on Adams tomorrow. But in order to do that, I'll need a little bit of assistance.

I glanced over Alexander's direction, a smile tugging at my lips. He can really help. I heard he has crazy parkour skills and is as quiet as an owl's wings. This'll be perfect.

On the other hand, Thomas can just put it on Adams in any way that isn't noticeable, but I doubt he'd help me.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm not gonna help someone who nearly shot me!"

I growled through the wall that seperates my room from Thomas'. I didn't know I said that out loud, but all I know is that he's an asshole.

"I know I am. But heed this, you will not get in my way tomorrow. I've got everything under control. Everything will be ruined if you try to go after Adams. He's my target. And this is my mission."

I can hear a smug smirk on Jefferson's punchable face.

He thinks he can take Adams on by himself? How can he even diactivate the bomb? All he's good at is follow him around and gather information. Well, that's actually useful and maybe he's capable of something else but I refuse to admit that!

Ugh, why do I even like him?! This just sucks.

Hmph, fine. If he wants a competition, he'll get a competition. Besides, he's gonna lose against me 'cause I know Midnight is in my side. Get ready for your defeat, Jefferson.

Total words: 1148

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