25 • Four Weeks

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• A L E X A N D E R •

Who knew there'd be a dungeon underneath a graveyard?

Well, I did four weeks ago.

Federick is such a sick psychopath...

I hate the way he touches me... his hands are too rough. He's actually more worse than Burr...

The people buried in the graveyard are all the people he killed. He says they're trophies of all the times he's taken away countless lives.

And the stench... ugh.

The human bones and skeletons in my cell don't help at all.

And fuck... here he comes.


Oh god, I hate that nickname.

If only my arms weren't chained againt the wall, then I would've been able to jump out the window.

I heard the cell door open.

I looked down at the ground to avoid meeting his gaze. His eyes are too malicious and lustfull... it just adds to the memories I don't want to remember.

"Lex~" He whispered into my ear. I shuddered at the sudden contact and shut my eyes close.

He pulled my chin up so he could see my face, but I still refused to open my eyes even the slightest bit.

"Lexi, open your eyes." He said sternly.

I clutched at the chains and tried to squirm out of his grip, to no avail. This only made him mad.

"Lex, I said. Open. Your. Eyes." He demanded in that bloodlust-filled tone.

Hesitantly, I opened them. The first thing I saw was what I see everyday, yet it haunts me everytime I see them.

His crimson eyes.

"Aw, why you cryin' Lexi? Scared?" Je taunted. I hadn't realized I was shedding tears until I felt a liquid drop onto my hand.

He swiftly pinned me against the wall, making me yelp in pain.

My pain tolerance has completely gone down to zero. He messed with all my pain-immune nerves and scars the day I was first thrown here.

He bit on my neck, and I almost immediately knew where this was going.


I covered my half-naked body in shame with my arms.

He marked me everywhere.

He claimed me.

At that point, I broke down in tears.

The whole room was filled with my sobs.

I wanted to get out of here.

But these chains won't let go.

It's only been three weeks, yet it seems like an eternity.

I need JD.

I need my roommates.

I can't do this...


But maybe there's a way.

• J E F F E R S O N •

''John, really. I'm fine." I assured for the millionth time today.

"No you're not. I'm still buying you a nebulizer and inhaler and all the medicine the doc told you to take."

I love him, but he worries to much.

I sighed in defeat. I knew he had lots of money, so I guess that won't be a problem.

We had to drive back to the dorms to get John's wallet. But JD said he was going somewhere, so it's just me and my boyfriend.

Now I think back to the start of our mission.

The first week we were working on the case. We spent the next two weeks trying to look for him through the internet, and John knew, but he won't tell us. Then the last week was me spending time at the hospital 'cause of tuberculosis.

So four weeks of Alexander missing.



"Where did you find Federick?"

He stayed silent.

"Johnny, please... you need to tell me. Alexander needs us.. please..."

He still shut his mouth. But he replied,

"He's too powerful. We'll never be able to take him down..."

And again with this...

"We don't have to fight him. We'll just look for Alexander and go."

"..I can't. I can't say it. His eyes keep telling me to shut my mouth... so much bloodlust..." He mumbled the last part, but I still heard it clearly.

"John... don't you want to save Alexander?"

And another minute of silence.

"I do..." He breathed in, but he was actually able to say it. "In Route 43, Unei Street..."

I smiled at the information I've uncovered. I'm finally fucking satisfied.

"Thank you." I said before pecking his lips. I immediately returned my gaze onto the road to avoid crashing.


• J O H N •

So I jumped through the window of our dorm. That never used to happen before, but hey, my roommates are assassins. Not Thomas, I meant JD and Alexander.

In one quick motion, I swept the black wallet off the counter and let it fall into my hands.

I quickly ran out the dorm. I jumped through the car window and landed safely on the car. I got that from Thomas.

We drove off. I assume he was driving to the pharmacy, so I took my phone out when I heard it bing, signalling a notification.

I thought it was one of my friends, but when I looked closer, it was an unknown number. Ugh, they better not be one of those hackers who want me to join their 'hacker cult'.

I read the sent message.

And my eyes widened.

Unknown: John its me Federick left his phone in this room
Go to Eastpark Burial Grounds n look for a door somewhere there that leads underground
I hope u find me soon

As soon as I finished reading it, it was deleted.

Alexander is underneath a graveyard?



"Look at this..."

"I can't, I need to focuse on the road--"

"It's about Alexander."

He pulled up at the side of the road.

He took my phone and read every word.

"I'm not sure if this is really Alexander, but we'll still look there. Call JD and tell him to come over where we're headed."

I nodded and took out my phone just as he started driving off.

I dailed his number, but he didn't pick up. It was strange, because he always brings his phone with him. he answers me and Thomas after 3 or a few rings, even when he parkours. But I must be paranoid. He must've forgot to charge his phone.

Then I realized that we're all still wearing our earpiece. So I pressed the button and said,

"JD, come in. We found Alexander. Come to E.B.G. ASAP."

Thankfukly, he replied. But what he said was something I didn't expect.

"I'm already there. And I found Federick."

Total words: 1065
I feel like it's going too fast. Mehh.... idk.

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