5 • First Failed Mission

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• A L E X A N D E R •

I climbed through the window beside the door, then landed safely. It seems like I'm in some sort of room. It's vacant and dusty, meaning this room must've been abandoned a long time ago.

I reached for the door and opened it. I looked at my right and left to make sure no one sees me. All clear. I proceeded down the hall.

I felt someone's presence and the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. Shit, they're gonna spot me.

But thank god there's a window beside me. I jumped through it, then held onto the window seal with a hand. The footsteps came closer, then faded slowly.

I grabbed the seal with my other hand and climbed back in.

That was too close. I really need to be extra careful.

• J O H N •

I made it to the back door. Took forever, cause damn, this mansion's huge.

I didn't bother twisting the door knob and just kicked the door right open.
Why am I not being cautious like how a secret agent should be, you may ask.
It's because I don't care. Plus, if anyone comes close to me, I'll shoot their head off, 'cause my gun is top-notch.

Now, where was I?

I took out my ipad and followed the direction the map is leading me. According to the tracker, he's somewhere around... the basement.

If I can't take him down, then I'll have to kidnap Thomas for answers.

I walked down the hall, cautiously, yes I'm being cautious this time, looking around to see if anyone could be following me. None, so I continued walking forward.

• T H O M A S •

"These kids haven't seen shit yet." Adams said beside me. His eyes were focused on a big computer screen that showed places and rooms in the mansion.

"I put secret security cameras. I knew people would go after me, that's why whoever breaks in here won't come out alive..."

In one of the camera screens is a masked person with a scarf climbing through a window, then jumping out another. He's flexible... and great at parkour. Then there's another person in the back door with a gun.

Oh no.


Why is he here?!

"Do you recognize those two?" He asked, gesturing to the masked person and John.



"The one with the mask is the greatest assassin in all of New York. Midnight."

"MIDNIGHT?! Oh god, I heard no one has ever escaped him and his knife! What's going to happen to us?!"

"Calm down, kid, I've got everything under control."

"Y-you sure?"

"I'm positive. Now, that puffy-haired guy is a secret agent in the continent's most powerful agency. He goes by the name The Tiger."

"The Tiger... isn't he that crazy gun using agent who takes anyone's heads off with no mercy?"

"Close to that. He's not as bloodlusting as Midnight, though."

So John... is an agent. And Midnight, whoever this is, is set on killing the person I'm spying on. This is perfect. But I'll be the first one to take him down.

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