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"Oh my god..."

"You informed the police about this, right??"

"Poor Alex..."

"Mes amis, calm down."

Apparently, Thomas and John had to tell their friends of Alexander being kidnapped. Madison including. Of course, they left out the fact that they were working on this case. They have called the police, and their job is to search for any clues of where the assassin could be.

It was 6 am at the Schuylers' dorm. Classes would start at 8, so they will just hang around for an hour.

It was sad that they haven't learned their bosses' names. That's right, they have not. Even Hamilton's. It was for a good cause though. Their names alone could open up many information about them. They were also afraid some of their trainees would turn against them. Thomas and John respect that.

It was Monday. Their mood couldn't get any worse.


The couple waited in class for their History teacher, Mr. Washington. They took a desk beside each other so they can, like, hold hands or some of that shit. But the only thing they could think of at the moment is Alexander.

"Thomas, I'm scared..." John said in a shaky voice, almost a whisper.

"Don't worry. We'll find him soon." Jefferson held his hand soothingly. He was also scared, but dared not to show it in front of his boyfriend. He needs to be strong for him and everyone else.

Washington then appeared. An unfamiliar person trailed behind him.

"To your seats, students." He said. They all scrambled to their desks.

"I would like you to meet our new student. Please, introduce yourself." He said. The person stepped beside him and smiled.

"My name is Jason Dean, or JD. That's all I could say." He said and made his way to an empty seat, which so happens to be beside Jefferson.

Dean... is he the one Blade sent for us? He and Laurens thought at the same time.

They decided to ask him after class.


They walked down the hallway- not holding hands this time. JD stopped in front of his locker and took out a phone, so they came up to him.

"Can I help you?" He raised an eyebrow at them.

"Um... are you the one Blade has sent?" John asked.

JD perked up after the name was mentioned. He hesitantly reached for something in his sleeve.

"How did you know?" He hissed. But then he remembered what his boss said and released his hold on his sleeve. "You're John Laurens and Thomas Jefferson?"



He sighed in relief. "Sorry. Assassin instincts."

John nodded understandingly. At first he wondered if Alexander is the only one who has some cautious killer instincts and a strange sixth sense, but maybe it was because of the environment in his headquarters or the way he was trained.

"We have alot to talk about. But let's take this in your dorm." JD said.


"Alexander has depression..."

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