57 • Finale

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So the three are in the hospital. The hospital bills... were extremely high. But the Schuylers got that covered.

They never knew things would go downhill that quick. Their relationship was going so well, but then everything went chaotic. It was unexpected, really.

Angelica can't be any more furious than she already is. Her burning hatred for Alexander affected everyone in different ways. Basically, Eliza payed for Alexander's bills.

The doctor came to them one day, explaining all their conditions.

"So, Jefferson will be alright. Although, he might wake up after around a week or so." He read out loud the words on his list.

Madison sighed in relief, but still anxious about the other two.

"Hamilton has some head injuries, but not too fatal. He's still resting, but we don't know how long he'll stay unconcious."

Angelica scoffed. She couldn't care less about him anymore.

"And as for Laurens..."

Everyone perked up, eager to know his response.

"He didn't... he... oh, dammit. He didn't make it." He sighed and ran a hand down his face. He felt guilty telling them the terrible news, even though he did nothing wrong.

There were no responses from anyone, so he left them alone for the time being.


• A L E X A N D E R •

Pitch black is all I can see.

But I know what I did. My body moved on its own, and somehow, I couldn't control myself... my subconcious has been there the whole time, but I guess I really did lose my mind...

Either way, all I wanted to do right now is apologize. Apologize to them for not getting ahold of myself and blaming them for the things they didn't do...

But I know nothing will change the crimes I've committed. They'll never forgive me...

So the least I can do for them is to die.

But I opened my eyes.

I wish I didn't.

I see myself in another hospital room. Like last time, wires were attached on me that connected to an IV.


Why didn't I just die...?

I can hear muffled voices, and my vision slowly cleared.

"Guys?" I croaked out.

Connor, JD, and Jeremy turned to my direction and quickly rushed over.

"Hey, how are you?" Jeremy asked.

"Sore." It's quite true. My body aches all over, especially my chest. "How long have I been unconscious?"

"About... five days." Jeremy answered for me. Huh. That's... long.

I looked around some more, and noticed someone else in the corner. When I got a good look at them, I said, "Veronica?"

She smiled and walked towards me. "Hey, Al."

Then I turned to JD. "I thought you guys weren't on the best of terms."

"We weren't. We made up recently and decided to just stick to being friends." He sounds genuine...

"How disappointing..." I mumbled. I wanted them to be together so I can tease my HQ brother and sister-in-law nonstop.

Apparently, they have enhanced listening nerves like me.

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