50 • Hallucinations

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• A L E X A N D E R •

I posed above the boulder in glee once I got out of those terrifying clothes. I don't think I can survive another second being in that skirt... ugh!

I slid off the boulder and made my way to the two perverts. I can never understand why they insist on putting girly clothes on me. I mean, I can just kill those guards and then they can get inside. But I can't, because one important rule in HQ says I'm not allowed to shed the blood of any other but my victims. I might've broken that rule when I killed my boyfriends' dads... and I regret that alot. Even though they kidnapped my boyfriends, they're the only family they have left.

I've become merciless nowadays... and it confuses me. I care about more lives before, but now it's like nothing in this world matters...

Maybe being powerful is a curse. And a monster like me training Peggy? I don't think that's a great idea. I'll have to cut assassination lessons with her. I'm only concerned about her well being, including the rest of my friends.

I stopped in my tracks.

A dark aura surrounded the whole area.

The feeling felt familiar... and real. I just couldn't pinpoint what it is.

Until I saw him in front of me.

I thought I'd never see those eyes again. I was hopeful he would be gone... that he won't ever return in my life.

I was wrong.

Fear got me overwhelmed, and by pure instinct, I skipped a few steps back and took out my knife.

"What's wrong, Lex?"

My breath hitched. I never thought I'd live the day to hear that voice again.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to meet his and breathed in a huff of air.

Then a ringing in my head triggered some of my nerves.

I felt dizzy and... everything seems blurry.

What is that, a giant cockroach?


Shit, Burr has a gun-


"Wha?" I snapped back to reality and all I can see is John in front of me.

"You okay? You were acting sorta... weird."

Was I? I mean, I saw Nightslayer just now, heard a loud ringing from out of nowhere, and saw a monstrous cockroach abduct Thomas.

"I'm great! I just... have alot of things in my mind right now."

I am not great. Don't tell me I was hallucinating, because I know what feels real or not. I can't be seeing things.



"Peter and Henry are armed with ammunition... now, even with my skills, I can't take them down at once. At the same time, I'd put my boyfriends' lives on the line. Please help me out..."

"Your life will be on the line if you take this pill. Its contents have dangerous side effects once it wears off."

"Try me!"

"Oh yeah? Well here's the complete list: Insomnia, extreme back pain, nausia, vomitting, hallucinations, nasal congestion, mouth dryness, acute sensitivity to sound and light, weakness, exghaustion, feelings of extreme thirst and hunger, glandular issues, organ failure, increased sexual appetite or lack of sexual desire, impotence and feelings of limited self worth, violent thoughts, brain damage, blackouts, suicidal feelings, homicidal feelings, extreme paranoia, rapid aging, time dysplasia, psychosis, and possibly even death."

One pill is capable of all that? I wish I didn't have any reason to believe anything my boss said, but unfortunately, I did.

I composed myself and managed to reply, "None of that matters..." I tried not to break down in front of him.

"I can't let you have this pill. I'm sorry, Alexander, but you need to think of another solution."

~Flashback end~

Yet I was able to convince him to give it to me. How I did it? I don't recall.

The point is, the effects are starting to kick in. I just hope it won't sabotage the mission... I would never forgive myself for that.

But I brought myself into this mess. If I'd have to go through that kind of punishment, so be it.

"Alexander, you're spacing out again."

"Right!" I quickly rushed over to Thomas and plopped beside him. Well, I basically stole his leaf bed But hey, a prince gets what he wants!

"My throne..." Thomas pouted.

I stuck my tongue out at him playfully. He huffed and leaned against a tree trunk.

John sat beside me, and after that, they went back to working on their computers.

And now I'm bored. Can't I do anything useful here? Like, I can track scents and stuff to get us outta here, 'cause clearly, forests can't be the best hiding spots.

But nevermind, I don't think going out into the open at a night like this is a good idea. So what did I do? I cut Ryusk's hair with my knife.

And now he looks like One Punch Man! I gotta say, I've got pretty awesome knife skills.

I looked over at my boyfriends, but they were still busy. Typical...

Just then, I felt something in my wrist. I tried to shrug it off, but it felt odd. Something feels... strange.

Blood was seeping out of my wrist. How did that happen? I don't remember cutting myself...

All the other scars started to bleed. I really didn't remember how that happened! But why?

I yelped suddenly when a cut made itself onto my neck. I didn't touch it, I didn't feel it, I didn't do anything. It just appeared on my neck!


I shut my eyes for a second, then opened them again.

I'm okay.

No bloody cuts on my wrists or... my neck.

Right, I could be hallucinating, but it didn't seem like it...

"Yeah?" I answered Thomas.

"Something's up with you. What is it?"

He isn't oblivious as I thought he would be, huh?

"I don't know." Why the fuck you lying?

"Alright. Just tell us if there's anything strange going on." He brought his focuse back on his computer.

Hopefully, I don't get any hallucinations for the rest of the night--

Is that a headless snake?

Total words: 1018
Got some of the ideas from Scorpion and Limitless, if you know what series they are

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