52 • Jared's Perspective

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• A L E X A N D E R •

I ascended the steps slowly. As I went closer to the second floor, the louder the voices were.

The whole space was empty, but I know where they kept him. A door on the corner right tells me they're there.

So I quickly snuck up there. I leaned against the wall to think of a strategy.

From the distance of their voices, Jared is five meters away, the victim just forty-two inches closer, one of them one meter away from him, and another right at the door.

So basically I have to distract them or something.

Hmm... think, brain. Think.

What would John and Thomas do right now? No, screw that. I'm smarter than them.

Okay... what would Boss do right now?

I look over at a corner, and saw a stack of smokscreens.


• J A R E D •

Another hit, then another. And came another one.

"I said tell us the code!" Mike demanded again.

Spike and Ike were just sittin' in the side doin' nothing. How useless.

Oh, and those aren't their real names. I just made 'em up.

Mike is the one hitting me. He has a peach fuzz and a mohawk. Kinda cool, I guess. Ike is at the computer trying to decipher the code himself, but failing miserably 'cause he sucks at English, but has cool vocals one time I heard him singing to Whitney in the shower next door. And the one at the door is Spike. He doesn't talk much and looks pretty much grumpy all the time. But hey, at least he looks more proffessional than the other two.

Now where was I?

Oh, yes.

I refused to give the the code to the satellite. They intend to use it to release a rocket that would destroy the Philippines. They hold a grudge against their president, but in my mind I was like, "Bro, you can't do that! I haven't even been to Bohol yet!" I'm serious though. I really really REALLY wanna visit that place once. At least Manila, or maybe Dubai?

Uhh... back to topic!

I would never let that happen. So no matter how many hits I take, I never gave in. Which leads to me now.

"Fine... you don't wanna talk? We can do this ourselves." He brought out his pistol and aimed it at me.

God, how I wish Evan was with me right now.

There are probably a bunch of other things I haven't told you about, so I'll say it before I die.

I've been friends with Evan since kindergarten. The dude's got problems. Depression, Anxiety, Paranoia, all that bad stuff! As we grew, I tried to help him the best I could. But then I started to grow a little crush on him.

I knew it was only a crush, so I thought it will eventually go away. Boy, I was wrong.

I only realized I fell for him. Hard. And I thought I could have a chance with him. It never happened.

That's when Connor came to the picture. He relates with Evan alot, so it was only a matter of time 'till they were official.

And I knew Connor's an assassin.

I kinda followed him one time in the middle of the night, and I walked in on him breaking a dead guy's fingers.

And he explained everything. He made me promise to keep it a secret... he even threatened to kill Evan if word goes out. But, I know he's not able to do that. He was just bluffing. Still, I hid it well up until now. I felt like Evan deserves to know, right? So I feel like shit doing this to him.

Mike's about to pull the trigger. Guess it's time to say goodbye...


A grenade was thrown into the room, but it wasn't an explosion. A smokescreen? How did it get here?

"Hey." I heard an unfamiliar voice beside me.

I turned to look at a shadowy figure. I couldn't quite make out what they look like...

In an instant, the ropes that tied me were cut. The figure disappeared, followed by a series of grunts and thuds. I didn't know what was happening, but I'm pretty sure someone was taking out the Russians, and I bet that someone is the guy who was just beside me. Or girl. I don't know.

Once the smoke cleared, I was able to see Spike and Ike injured...

And Mike who got his heart ripped out?!

Meh, this is normal. I do play alot of video games, so it isn't that suprising.

"Jared, can you walk?"

So this time, I was able to get a good glimpse at that person.

Girl or boy, I really don't know. What I'm concerned about is why I'm questioning my sexuality right now. 'Cause damn...

"Jared? Hey?"

"Uhhh... yeah, I can."

Oh my god... Jared, you gay wreck! Wait, am I gay? Or bi?


He lead me outside, and we met with...

"Connor? Evan?"

"Jared!" Evan flung himself onto my arms and hugged me tightly like I'd disappear. I returned the gesture. That hot stranger aside, I really missed Evan.

Connor smiled contently and patted me on the shoulder.

"What're guys doing here? How'd you know I was here? Who are these people?"

"We tracked you down, found a bald Russion on the way here, and met up with some friends." Connor explained.

"Friends? Wait, so you and this hot chick know each other?"

Okay, so I think I might be pansexual now.

"Hey, back off." The freckled dude hissed and protectively hugged the chick. Didn't know he was taken. She? He? They?

Okay, so I'll call the chick Sassy, 'cause she looks like she could throw a fabulous hairflip right now. He. She. He.

And that freckled boi is Speckles and the floofy haired one is 'Lonelyyyyyy, I'm Mr. Lonelyyyyyyyyyy~' 'cause he looks single.

"We better get going." Evan said and dragged me with him.

Well... I'm rescued. People usually feel awesome after being saved, though... I'm not sure about myself.

But seriously, who is that chick?

Total words: 1026
I tried to make a random ending lol

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