12 • Hospital

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"Oh god.. oh god... it hurts- oh my god!" Alexander buried his face in his pillow, obviously in pain.

The medicine had worn off, and his twisted arm is taking a toll on him.

"Just hang on for a bit," John tried to reassure him, but it was of no use.

"We should take him to a hospital."

"Yeah, we should." John, for once, didn't regret agreeing to his enemy-crush. It was for Alexander's own good, and he would do anything to help him, even if it meant being friends with Thomas.

John swooped Alexander in his arms carefully. He wouldn't want to damage his bleeding twisted arm even more.

"Wow, you're light as a feather..." John said to himself. He and Thomas rushed out of their dorm and hopped into the spy's car.

They began driving to the hospital, Alexander still being held by John.

"Fuck- I've never felt this much pain before- ah dammit!" He hissed, clinging onto John even more.

"Try not to think about the pain. Or remember your pain tolerance lessons at your Headquarters."

"I know, I know- ARGH!" He bit his lip to try distracting himself from the immense pain he's feeling, only to have it bleed.

They made it to the hospital quick. John didn't hesitate to bust through the doors and run to a nurse.

"Please help him, he's arm's cut and twisted." He has all in one breath.

Immediately, Alexander was put into a stretcher by other nurses. They dragged him away to a room to fix his arm, and John couldn't be more relieved to know he's in good hands.

He and Thomas decided to stay in the waiting room.

John was busy thinking of Alexander and what might've happened if his arm was in worse condition, while Jefferson was texting Madison.

JamesMadisick: Thomas where r u?

MacNcheesecuzwhynot: Im at the hospital

JamesMadisick: EHHH???? WHAT HAPPENED????? R U OK????? WHO HURT U?????

MacNcheescuzwhynot: Jemmy relax im not hurt anywhere

JamesMadisick: Oh thank god.... but then y r u there? is it cuz of someone?

MacNcheesecuzwhynot: Yeah its Hamilton

JamesMadisick: Rlly?? But i thought u hated the guy

MacNcheesecuzwhynot: Well... i dont entirely hate him hes just annoying but that doesnt mean idc bout him

JamesMadisick: Awwwww u do have a heart!

MacNcheesecuzwhynot: HEY!

JamesMadisick: Btw wat happened to him? If u dont mind me asking

MacNcheesecuzwhynot: I dont mind

MacNcheesecuzwhynot: He cut his arm real bad and kinda twisted it too

JamesMadisick: Ouch... that must be rlly painful

MacNcheesecuzwhynot: It sure is

JamesMadisick: How did that happen?

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