49 • Successful

249 11 17

• A L E X A N D E R •

Okay, so that unexpectedly worked. But no way in hell am I having it on with that... Viktor-looking guy. That's just... ew.

And so I walk through the halls like I owned the place. But apparently, things got heated the moment I was almost in the base.

I was slammed against the wall by another anime-looking Russian.

"What's a princess like you doing here, hm?" He growled in my ear.

So now I'm a princess, huh? I can mark your death if you want. What about... July 1, 2019?

Okay, get in the act, you psycho killer.

"Just came by to see my daddy... you don't wanna mess with him~" I slurred.

"Yeah? And who is he?" He gripped my sides tightly, preventing me from trying to escape.

I flung my arms around his shoulders and whispered huskily in his ear, "Kivochsky."

His eyes widened in fear and he immediately released me. Whoever I mentioned must be someone they don't wanna mess with.

"I'll be off now." I winked at him before walking to the last room.

I think I'm getting the hang of this. I just hope neither John nor Thomas put a camera on me...

I entered the room slowly. I peeked through the slight opening of the door and looked around. All clear. I slipped inside and searched for the red button. Any button at least.

So there's a generator... another generator... weapons... generator... button...

Wait, there it is!

Without hesitance, I smashed it. Blaring alarm noises and flashing red lights took me slightly off guard, but I escaped through the window when I heard footsteps from afar.

There are no guards outside. Sweet.

Thomas and John already left... great. I don't get to have even one piece of the action. They decide to leave me here to get bored... what boyfriends they are.

But sometimes I wonder... how did I get so lucky?

I'm in a relationship with two of the hottest guys in school... in my opinion, that is. I go solve cases with them, goof around with them.

Or even hurt with them. No, scratch that, I hurt by myself. I convinced them that I moved on, that Federick and Burr don't bother me anymore, that I'm not scared of anything at all. They bought it... which really hurts the most.

They're not me, so they can't see the pain in my eyes... they never have, and they won't soon enough.

But if I can wish for one thing, is that they'll continue to live and be happy for me. If I die, I want them to move on...

Though, I'm not planning on dying any time soon. I won't be selfish here, I don't want to leave them, so I won't, and I promise I'll stay.

I'll stay as long as it takes...

• J O H N •

Me and Thomas sneaked inside as all the guards directed their attention to the basement. We went to the main office and found Rysuk panicking inside.

I took my gun out and pointed it at his direction. In a quick motion, he also took out his rifle.

"If I see you so much as move your finger, I'll shoot." He threatened, but boy did it sound like he was bluffing. Compared to psychotic Alexander, nothing else makes me any more terrified.

Thomas kicked him down from behind and stepped on his hand, then moved the weapon away. I forgot he was with me to begin with...

He pulled out his tazer gun and shot him with it. Rysuk got electrified and then passed out.

"The fuck, Tom? He needs to stay awake!"

"Later though. We gotta move before the guards sees us."

He swung Rysuk's arm around his shoulders and proceeded outside with me following behind.

Sometimes, he doesn't think before doing something. I hope he's only knocked out or else we won't know where Jared's captors are.

Why do almost all cases include kidnappings? I'll never know.

We came across Alexander as we ran, and decided to stop by some place for the night. We're a good few miles away from the base...

"You guys fucking left me..." He hissed and crossed his arms, unknowingly pouting like a cutie.

"I'm not sorry." Thomas remarked and dropped Ryusk onto the ground mercilessly.

I sighed. "At least we got him. But please, be careful with him."

"Why? I mean, our Alexander called him 'daddy'."

"I HAD TO ACT!" He barked back, red in the face.

Sooo Thomas is back to being the yandere he is. I just hope he doesn't start saying 'senpai notice me' at school when we're in seperate classes.

We all sat on the ground. After that, we did nothing but wait for Rysuk to wake up.

Thomas really should've just knocked his weapon off.

At least our plan was a success. A quick on too, unlike others. But it's gonna be hard to track down the other Russians.

That's when I heard a bling on my phone. I opened it out of boredom and saw a message sent to our groupchat.

Thomas sent a picture of Alexander in that dress.

Oh man... he's gonna be so pissed. I hope he keeps putting our groupchat in mute. He's always been annoyed by everyone's constant bickering and sending memes.

I hear Thomas stifle a laugh beside me. I rolled my eyes and closed my phone.

Alexander narrowed his eyes at us suspiciously. But his attention was more in the discomfort of wearing the dress than at us.

"Can I take these off?" He whined.

Thomas instantly replied with a 'no', but Alexander changes otherwise.

He grabbed his clothes and hid behind a boulder meters away from us.

He must've known we would get a nosebleed again if he changed in front of us.

"Well, this is disappointing." Thoms muttered and plopped onto a pillow of leaves.

"How so?"


I know it wasn't nothing, but I didn't push it any further.

We just gotta take this mission slow and steady. But Jared doesn't have that much time...

I just hope we can find him soon.

Total words: 1030
Just gotta make these chapters short now but meh
Also, I know it's crappy. I lost a bit of motivation

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