43 • Crazy Assassins

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"Get back here, you little scums!!"

Gunshots and yells rang across the police department.

JD and Alexander have done a new kind of stupid.

They broke in to the police chief's department and stole his badge while sleeping. Then JD decided to play with the fire extinguisher and attack the police with it. Luckily, they weren't wearing their assassination clothes or their weapons, so the police won't report and get them fired by their boss. But they parkoured, 'cause who doesn't?

So now they're on their way back to Connor's mansion. Hopefully, his family is still on their vaca.

I guess I'll dig more into Jeremy and Connor's background. Connor suffered from depression, just like Alexander, and has made cutting himself a hobby. Not one of his family members know, and that's a good thing for him. Because he hated hospitals. Of course, he found HQ and was invited to join. He figured he shouldn't throw away his shot.

On one of his jobs, he met Evan. They shared similarities. They loved to climb, especially trees. And they both have depression, but Evan rarely harms himself. Plus, he has anxiety and asthma, and only plants and Connor calm him down.

They grew feelings for each other, and none of them knew, so they basically still live with it.

And you know Jeremy. He got a squip from Rich, became more chill, squipped the whole school, then what came next? This.

He decided he doesn't have feelings for Cristine, but someone else. He doesn't know who, and that frustrated him.

He took up programming lessons because he found it interesting. And he's really great at encrypting codes and all that technology stuff.

One night, Alexander decides to be a jerk and creep up on him from under the bed. God knows where he came from. This startled Jeremy. Alot. And he was tempted to call 911, 'till the assassin explained to him everything. He was invited to HQ for whatever reasons Blade gave him, and so he accepted.

He did assassination for a while, but it doesn't spark up energy in him. He figured it wasn't the right job for him, so he quit. After doing so, he decided to join a job consisting technology, and he's worked there ever since. Despite being 17 years old.

And Michael? Moved out. He's never heard from him ever since.

So that's basically it. Back to the present where JD and Alexander bust through Connor's bedroom ceiling.

"Not again!" He exclaimed.

"It's totally worth it!" Alexander raised the badge in the air in triumph.

"And I thought you two are mature enough to do a job..." Jeremy sighed.

"Party shitter." JD mumbled before stalking back down the hall to get another cup of slush.

Alexander got a call from John and excused himself from his friends. He went to the back of the room and answered.

"What is it?"

"Do you have any leads? Anything? We need that antidote as soon as possible. The girl only has two hours and a half left."

"I'll look for it as soon as I can. Me and some friends have a plan."

"This better not involve some illegal shit."

"Maybe, maybe not. But listen, guide me through the corridors."

"Of what?"

"We're sneaking in Techno Red Alert 2.5. We need all the employees' files and check their backgrounds-"

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