37 • Shitty Dads

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"It's been two weeks! TWO FUCKING WEEKS!!"

"Laf, calm down--"

"NO! NO, I CAN'T CALM DOWN, HERC!! This is not happening... they can't--"

"Please. Just. Breathe." Madison demanded, and Lafayette obliged, struggling a bit to do so.

"Just relax. The Schuylers are going to report this to the police." Maria rubbed his arm in a comforting manner and flashed a smile to ease him down, and it did.

"S-sorry, but this is the second time... why is it always them? It just.. it isn't right.." The Frenchman slid down the wall and pulld his knees to his chest, hugging himself tightly.

Hercules sat beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Laf, we don't know why either. We just need to stay strong for them... leave this to the police."

"What can they do? They haven't done anything useful. It was John and Thomas who found Alexander, and all they've done is arrest Federick."

"That's still useful." James replied, sitting next to Laf.

"Highschool is hell..." He muttered, tears stinging his eyes as he thought of his best friend.


• W A S H I N G T O N •

This is bad...

The reason why I gave the school a holiday week right after Alexander was found is to keep my students from going through the same thing.

But I had a call from the Schuylers saying that three of my students are missing. One of them being Alexander.

I had to cancel class again for another week.

Alexander is like a son to me... despite the kidnapping, he still managed to keep up his grades. Heck, he's the highest one in the whole school. Other than that, he has a big heart. A little too big actually.

He defended me when a student trash-talked me behind my back, and I couldn't be more grateful, but as his teacher and school principal, I can't have that. And he obliged.

Really, I wish I could adopt him. I mean, just look at him! He's so small and smart and just skcencksmrkc

Okay. Why am I fantasizing about having a son named Alexander Hamilton? I don't know. But I'd be lucky enough to actually adopt him.

I told Martha about all this, and she said we cold maybe do that someday. But Alexander probably has parents... so it's only best to let it be.

Though... there's something about him that I'm quite curious about. He's usually open about everything, especially to his friends, but he still seems... mysterious. Like he's hiding something behind all those smiles and his hard work.

But back to the topic:

Why is it always Hamilton?

That's the one question in my head left unanswered.

I wish I knew. I really do.

If only I knew how to help him in some way...

• J O H N •

Well, this sucks.

We're still in this hellhole, and it's been, what? Two weeks?

Luckily, our dads left us untouched.

But I'm still worried about us. Thomas especially.

His tuberculosis might start to act up again, and we don't have his medication with us to help him.

"Babe, I really wanna get out of here." I said without a second thought.

"I know. So do I."

"Well fuck..." I whispered and leaned my head back against his. "Now I know what Alex felt when he got kidnapped... but he had it worst."

I almost questioned the sudden silence from Thomas, 'cause he didn't reply, 'till I realized what I said.

"I mean, Alexander. Sorry..."

This is sort of normal now when he's not around. We refuse to call our boyfriend by his nicknames. When we do, unintentionally, we just apologize to no one in particular.

The door opened, revealing the same smug faces our dads wear everyday.

But this time, they were unusually too happy.

"Guess what, boys?" Henry sneered, swinging an arm around Peter's shoulder.

"We're really not in the mood." Thomas spat, looking at the other direction.

"Well too bad, we're telling you anyway." Peter declared.

He held up his ipad and played a video. At first, it wasn't really interesting, but it left me frozen in the spot.

It was a News report, about two families being poisoned at the same time in the same day.

"YOU SICK BASTARDS!!" Thomas yelled, trying to break free from the chains.

I only stayed still, my mind wandering off.

Our dads- No, Henry and Peter poisoned our family.


Why must they be so... heartless?

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I didn't try to stop them from flowing.

Our captors left the room, laughing hysterically. Once they did, Thomas broke.

I couldn't help but break down as well.

• T H O M A S •

Everything happens so fast...

Whenever things go too well, disaster falls quicker than fortune came and went.

I just want all this tragedy to end.

Wow... how can I be so weak?

I'm supposed to be the strong one...

"Thomas." I heard John breathe. He held my hand reassuringly while trying to hold back tears.

"I-I can't... I can't take this..." His breath hitched as he said that.

I held his hand back just as tight and stayed quiet. I honestly have no idea what to say at the moment.

We lost the only people who helped raise us the way we are. Of course, excluding Henry and Peter.

Oh, those motherfucking assholes...

Why would they do this?

Do they hate us more than they love their own wives?

Whatever their intentions were, I wouldn't care less. They have NO FUCKING RIGHT to take away our loved ones!

Oh no...

They're coming for Alexander next.

• A U T H O R •

"Psh, kids these days. And I thought they care 'bout their phones more than their mother and siblings."

"Well our sons certainly don't." Peter replied, loading a gun.

They had multiple weapons ready. They know their target is coming.

"Yeah. We can't have any witnesses around, can we?"

"I suppose so."

But just as they were about to reload the last gun, the door was bust open.

In the doorway stood an infuriated Hamilton.

Total words: 1024
Art above is mine btw

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