23 • The Search

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Thomas, John, and JD skipped classes the next day. They hadn't informed any of the staff or their friends about this, but they couldn't care less.

Thomas looked through KG3's data, and so far, he found nothing. John tried to track him down by hacking into the city cameras and looking up through every footage, trying to spot him. And just like Thomas, he found no clue. JD went out in search for any clues. He tried to follow his sixth sense, but to no avail for some reason.

"This is hopeless..." John whispered, almost on the verge of tears.

"No- no. We can't give up now. " Thomas said and held his hands.

JD perked up. "John... the eye contacts."

"Huh? What about the eye contacts?"

"I know they can detect a person's fingerprint and match it with the evidence in memory. But it will take forever to look for the matching fingerprint, since there are millions of people in New York."

"What's your point?"

"My point is that it won't be useful. Unless you implant a temperature heat tracker. But first, you'll need to scan the fingerprint again so it'll detect the pressure it radiated on the object where you found it. Then you inject it through your computer chord and... that."

The couple glanced at each other for a second, then returned their flabbergasted gaze on JD.

"How do you know all this?" Thomas asked.

"I've hung around John for quite a while. Er, five days. But yeah."

"I've known him half of my life and I still don't have the slightest clue on how to operate gadgets."

"Okay. I'll do just that. But there could be more than just him with the same heat temperature, so we won't know for sure if the lens has tracked him correctly."

"It will tell by the fingerprint. And I'll know who's Federick. I've known him since I joined HQ. Besides, my gut feeling is always right about something."

Thomas and John were a little hesitant with this plan. But they took the risk. They want to find Alexander as soon as possible.

So John left to his room to operate the lenses. JD glanced outside the window for a quick second before turning back to Thomas, who just started coughing violently.

"You okay?" Concern laced in his voice, but he tried not to show it.

"Yeah, fine--" Thomas was cut off by another coughing fit.

The assassin sat beside him and rubbed his back to try to ease out his coughs.

"Sorry. My throat just hurts."

"Doesn't seem like it. You need rest."

"NO!" Thomas exclaimed a little too loudly. He noticed his sudden voice tone and tamed it down a bit. "I-I mean, I can't just slack off while Alexander is out there. He's alive, I just know it! And I'm not going to waste any more time..."

"But what help will it do for you to overexert yourself? You need all the energy you can get before we head out in the actual search for Federick. Sleep is one way to charge you up. So go to bed. Now."

"It's still noon--"

"Don't care. We're heading out tonight. So sleep. Now."

"But I--"




"But Alexander--"

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