16 • Exposed

375 15 41

• T H O M A S •

I sat on the corner of my room staring at the door. Just staring.

Were they about to...?

No, that can't be. They only met for a few weeks. They can't be together either, it's just impossible.

Am I.. jealous?

If so, then of who?

I shook my head. I can't think like that, they're my friends...

Friends. Why do I feel uneasy whenever I say that word?

Ugh, shut up me. I don't have time for that.


And my phone saves the day!

I swiped my phone from my bed and clicked the answer button before pressing it to my ear.


"Jefferson, I have another mission for you."

"Oh sure. What is it, Boss?"

"You need to protect Midnight at all cost."

"What? Why? What's going on..?"

"A hacker is somewhere in this city. Find him and make sure he does not lay a finger on Midnight."

"What are his intentions? What does he want??"

"Those questions still remain a mystery. Just please... protect him, Jefferson. He's been exposed to social media, at least his appearance wasn't revealed. I'll be off now."

"O-okay. Bye."

He ended the call.

Exposed? On Social Media?

I decided to check Instagram.

And wow, he was exposed.

And he got shot.


"ALEXANDER!!!!" I screamed and got up. He came scampering to my room.

"What?? What's going on?!"

"THIS." I held up my phone in front of his face.

He sighed and facepalmed. "That's exactly how John reacted when he found out... honestly, it's not such a big deal. I can always just inject medicine anyway."

"You-- How reckless could you get?!" I snapped.

"Don't worry 'bout it. Besides, my wound will heal if I just leave it be. But of course, I'll inject some medicine once a day."

"You.. have a point but- just please be careful."

"I know." Was the last thing he said before he walked away.

He's strong. He can defend himself, so why do I need to protect him? Not that I don't want to... my point is, when its a spy VS an assassin, the deadly one always wins. And that's the assassin. He can fight off others better than I could.

But it's Boss' orders, so I can just play along.


• A U T H O R •

It was a simple day of class. John, Alexander, and Thomas had the same one- English.

Jefferson would occasionally throw erasers and pencils at people's heads, John was too lazy to pay attention, and Alexander took note of everything the teacher said. As in, EVERYTHING. He was a really fast writer. His hands could be useful other than swinging a knife.

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