4 • Tomorrow is Today

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Tomorrow is today. The day you've all been waiting for!

Thomas woke up earlier than his other roommates. He decided to open his laptop and search for useful info about his target, John Adams.

He did find some info about him. But it was only when he was in high school. He's a blackbelt and a hacker. But it didn't say he was a bomber. Thomas shrugged, thinking he had enough information.

He ate a simple sandwhich and took a shower, then changed into his favorite magenta clothes and puffed his hair. Feeling refreshed, he stepped out of his dorm and into the sun. (Get that reference? Not rlly the actual reference but... u get what i mean)

He got in his car and began driving to the city. He made a mental note to always check every bar he comes across. Thankfully, there weren't as many.

He parked his car outside a famous bar and got out of the car before locking the doors. Making sure his spy gadgets are with him, he made his way inside. There weren't many people considering it's still around 9 and because they usually come at night.

He ordered a bottle of vodka and sat on a table. He scanned the area, barely paying mind to his drink.

He landed his eyes on a peculiar man. There was a black snake tattoo on his left shoulder, a cigar in his mouth, and four empty bottles on his table.

Found him. He thought and walked towards him. He sat across from him and looked at him like he owned the whole world. He's been taught that when he approaches dangerous people, he needs to act like he's not a coward, but also that he's wiling to do their every command.

"What do you want, kid?"

"You John Adams?"

The man placed his cigarette down and blew out a puff of smoke.

"That's me."

"I've heard you've been bombing the entire continent. That true?"

Adams scoffed. "Why? You gonna call the police on me?"

Thomas raised his hands in the air. "Absolutely not. To be honest, I'm quite the troublemaker myself, so I've been thinking of joining you from now on." He put his hands down as Adams raised an eyebrow at him.

"That so? I guess you can be useful."

Thomas mentally high-fived himself. His plan worked. He acted confident in front of the enemy and pretended like he doesn't know what he's capable of. He made Adams think he's just a petty little 17 year old kid who's gonna follow around the villain for eternity, and usually, obey his every command.

"If you don't mind me asking, do you work by yourself?" He asked suddenly.

"You bet I do. I ususally scare away people who want to join me, but you're a first. I like you already, kid."

Again, he mentally high-fived himself.

"This Friday, I'm gonna put a bomb in the museum basement so no one will suspect a thing. And I'm planting it there at night since most people visit that time."

He's either trusting me too much or being stupid for giving away a loooot of information. Thomas thought. But he couldn't blame him, he did think he's an oblivious teenager.

"You're going to come help me plant it there and make sure no one follows or suspects us. Got that?"

"Crystal clear."

"So, what's your name, kid?"

"Thomas Jefferson."

He smiled at Adams as if he was ready to do his chores, which he obviously won't, but his mind is telling him to bury him alive while he has the chance. But he's not a murderer, so he won't do that.

"Oi, you there." Adams pointed to one of the employees wearing a cap. It was covering his eyes so Jefferson couldn't see him very well.

"Yes, Sir?" That voice... sounds familiar. He thought.

"Gimme another one of these." Adams said, gesturing to the empty bottles.

"I will be back shortly."

Jeff swore he saw him smirk before heading towards the counter. He sounds and kinda looks familiar... maybe he might recognize him if it weren't for the cap.

He came back with a bottle and placed it in front of Adams. He snatched it and chugged all the contents inside. The employee walked away, but not after taking a glance at him and smirking again.

Puffy hair, freckles, familiar voice... wait, John?!

He stood up from his seat and ran to where he was, but realized... he disappeared.

He gave up and went back to Adams.

Meanwhile, John made a run to his dorm. When he got there, he dropped down to his knees and began panting heavily.

"God, the heck happened to you?" A concerned Alexander rushed to help him up.

"It's.. it's nothing... thanks for your concern though." He said in between breaths. He gently pushed Alexander's arm off him and locked himself in his room.

He went to a corner and dragged out a black suitcase. He opened it to reveal many agent-like and... random things.

He pulled out an ipad from the pocket of the suitcase and opened it. He went to settings and clicked on a map of the city. In the middle of it is a red dot.

Earlier, John put pillows under his blanket to make his roommates think he was still asleep. But actually, he went to the most famous New York city bar and offered to help a friend, just in case the suspect comes in. And he did. But he was really disapppinted to see Jefferson with him. It nearly shattered his heart, but emotions aside, he's taking down his crush with his enemy.

He put a tiny unnoticed tracker inside the fifth drink Adams ordered. When he drank it, the tracker will reveal his location on the map. Smart, right?

He decided to hack his phone to act as a camera wherever he goes. Yep, he's a hacker too, but he doesn't hack people's personal info or data.

He failed though. Mentally, he was freaking out because there's not a single device in the world which he can't hack. But Adams... is a very different person.

He decided to drown himself in sleep. So he did.

He woke up before evening came. It was time for him to head out.

He grabbed his gun and headed out once more.

Alexander looked at the sky. He was waiting for the first hint of darkness to reach, knife and mask in hand.

He took a band from his desk and tied his hair up with it, then grabbed his scarf and wrapped it around his neck. He placed the mask on his face, adjusting it while putting his knife in his pocket.

The sky turned dark blue, and as if on cue, Alexander jumped off the window and ran.

He raced towards a small building and jumped, hands holding the roof edges before helping himself up. He climbed every building in front of him, flawlessy jumping off rooftops and landing safetly without a scratch. Parkour was one of the trainings he went through. It was basically his life.

He dropped in an alleyway and walked towards a sealed gate. He climbed over it with no problem. You see, he didn't need to know where his enemy is because he has really strong instincts.

Unbeknownst to him, his two other roommates were in the same mansion in front of him.

Total words: 1294
Okayyy so I also don't know much about hacking devices but... yeah, I got most of the ideas from Project MC2. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it, bai!

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