8 • Change of Plans

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• J O H N •

Heh, I'm a genius.

I knew Thomas would think of going to a different bar, since he did recognize me at the first one he and Adams hung out at. He wanted a competition, so he would try all means to keep Adams away from me. Well, he guessed wrong. Good thing he didn't recognize the tracker. And the pin I clipped onto Adams' button-up shirt. I knew I could reveal myself to Thomas when I'm far away from Adams. I pissed him off with my ever-so-slapable smirk, then dashed to the back door. Knowing him, he would just keep his mouth shut 'cause he might yell out something that'll blow his cover.

I made it to my dorm, not hesitating to hide myself in my room and slamming the door shut. I hadn't noticed Alexander still sleeping on my bed 'till he groaned.

"John..?" He whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

It was evident he was still worn out. After all, he lost alot of blood.

"Hey. Sorry for startling you." I replied with my soft voice. He hummed before stuffing himself back in the blankets and falling asleep.

Goddamn, he's so fucking cute.

Ahem, feelings aside, I need to activate the camera.

I pulled out my ipad and clicked the SIM card's number, opening the screen the small camera pin was showing. I activated the audio to eavesdrop on Adams and Jeffersons' conversation.

"You were captured by Agent John, right?"

Adams said my name. Thomas told him my name. Oh fuck that floof-

"Yep. Why?"

Nevermind. He's still undercover. I wouldn't risk the camera being spotted.

"Man, you missed out at that time. You know, when I left you in that mansion, I had Midnight fear me."

I stared at the screen bewildered. So he thinks I kidnapped Thomas... which is totally, and very true but, like I said in the previous chapter, I hate to admit it.

And Alexander, or Midnight, the deadliest blood-thirsty assassin, fear Adams?

"He thought he had me cornered in an alleyway. He nearly slit my throat off, but I moved before he could reach me. That's where I pinned him down. When I removed his mask, the first thought that comes to mind was, 'Dang, he's hot.' "

I hear myself growl angrily. It was clear I'm jealous. But who could blame Adams though? If I was Alexander's boyfriend, I'd brag to the whole world about how I claimed the hottest person ever to be mine.

"Hm, can't blame you, though."

Okay, I am beyond astonished. Jefferson, out of all people, agreed with him about someone he hates??

"To be honest, I have encountered him before. He nearly chopped my eyeballs off."

I scoffed at Jefferson's unnecessary lies.

"He is quite the looker."

I mentally spat out imaginary coffee. Jefferson admits he's hot.


"But by the way, what happened next?"

"Well," Adams started, "While he was pinned down, I took that opportunity to torture his arm. Anyone could've heard his screams if the alleyway walls weren't soundproof. I may have a feeling he's sensitive to touch... especially when he would occasionally whine and whimper underneath me. Believe it or not, it made it impossible for me not to get turned on."

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