13 • Aaron Burr

413 18 54

It's been a few weeks after the surgery, and Alexander's arm was completely healed.

He was thinking. What should he do to get more money to pay his roommates back? His boss hasn't been sending him out on jobs, so he hasn't received money since.

Well, he had a crazy decision.


"Heyyy, Boss." He spoke to the phone.

"Do you need anything?"

"Jobs. I need alot of 'em."

"Alexander, you know we gotta split the designated targets for the other assassins."

"I know! But I've gotta pay John and Thomas back for paying for my arm surgery! And..." He trailed off when a sudden thought came in mind. "Boss... don't you think it's a coincidence?"

"I know very well what you mean. It's surely no coincidence. Me and the heads of Techno Secret Society and Delta Agency H60 have been keeping in touch since high school. See, we were also roommates."

"No way." He breathed out, shock and suprise evident in his voice.

"Right. And we wanted our best proffessionals to meet each other and discover much more than their secret jobs."

Alexander smiled. His boss was the best person he's met since his parents died. He cared about him and wanted him to make more adventures without going alone.

"Now, where were we?"

"Oh, right! So... I wanted to know if you'll let me take over all my coworkers' jobs."


"Please, Boss? Give me a week. I'll complete it all before the end of Saturday."

"*Sigh* Very well then. Please meet me at Headquarters to receive the papers."

"Yes! Thank you, Boss!" As soon as he ended the call, he raided his closet, looking for his favorite clothes.

He put on ripped jeans, a plain green shirt, and a black jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He also put on black sketchers. Not forgetting his knife, he skipped out of the dorm.

He parkoured all the way to Headquarters. The people didn't know he was Midnight 'cause he wasn't wearing his mask. Though he was wearing his scarf, but he didn't think too much of it.

His HQ is a gigiantic building hidden underneath a trap door in an alleyway inside an abandoned store. Whoever the founder of HQ is, they sure are creative with the location.

He looked around just in case anyone's nearby. When he saw no one, he opened the door and jumped in.

He landed on a soft cushion that's five times larger than him.

The building was gigiantic. One part of the area has poles, seals, and bricks stuck to the wall and columns for parkour training. Another part had a collection of millions of different assassination weapons organized. Beside it is a door that lead to... torture lessons for pain tolderance. Next to the parkour section is where the assassins do actual training. It has the widest area out of the others.

Alexander missed this place. He hasn't been here for months.

He went to the counter in the corner. The man in charge was busy sorting out papers and didn't notice the high school assassin.

"Robert?" Alex asked the man in his 60's. He turned to the voice that called him, and a smile graced upon his lips. "Hamilton! It's been a while."

"It sure is."

"How have you been? Having fun at high school?"


"I'm glad. Now, what can I help you with?"

"Um, I... sorta forgot where Boss' office is... so like, can you tell me where it is?"

The man chuckled. "Oh my. It sure has been a long time that you forgot where it was. And you were the only one who's mostly called over by the boss. Anyway, just take the stairs and you'll be meeting him at the end." He said, gesturing to the staircase in the wall.

"Thanks." Alexander began to take step by step up the stairs. He was met with a dead end, but with a door. So he twisted the doorknob and opened it, peeking inside first.


"Alexander, come in."

He did so and stepped inside the office, closing the door behind him.

A man sat on the only desk in the room. He had red eyes and a formal-ish hairstyle. Quite the looker indeed.

"Here are the papers." He handed him a folder with papers inside.

He received it gladly. "Thank you so much! I'll be going then--"

"Wait, Alexander."

He stopped in his tracks and turned to face his boss again. "Sir?"

"Listen, be careful okay? I... found out that Burr is in the same high school you're in."

Alexander's breath hitched. The mention of that name brought back many memories, and he was trying to hold back tears.

"Y-you're kidding... right, Boss? Please tell me this is a joke..."

"I'm afraid not.' He sighed. As much as he wanted to keep it a secret, he can't. He needs to warn him just in case the man who hurt him would make a move.

"I-I gotta go..." He left the office in an instant.


Alexander curled up in his bed. He was waiting for his two roommates, but it might take long for them to come back, since they have classes all day. (Their high school works like college k)

"Alex~" A voice cooed. The assassin hid further into his cell. He was shaking uncontrollably. Just the sound of the man's voice brought fear into his soul.

"Aww, is Lexi scared? Good~" He pinned Alexander down, licking his lips hungrily.

"N-no... not now.. I-I don't want it!" He begged as hard as he could, but failed nonetheless.

"Shut up!"

Immediately, he piped down.

"Strip, Lex."

He shook his head.

"Fine, then I'll do it myself."

A devilous smirk plastered itself upon his face as he tore Alexander's clothes ome by one.

Then you know what comes next.

It wasn't the first time this happened. It's been continuing for almost a year.

Alexander was on a mission. He was 14 that time. He bumped into Burr, who poinsoned him.

He lost his assassination skills because of a pill. He couldn't fight back, he can't do parkour, he can't do anything to save himself.

Aaron Burr is one reason for his scars.

His physical and mental scars.

This man has haunted the assassin until now.

He shook violently of the thought. He tried to shake it off, but it's of no use.

"Aaron Burr... he's back."

Total words: 1062
Dun dun duuuuuuun!
Poor Alex :(

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