38 • Never Mess With Midnight

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• B L A D E •

I knew what events occured when he stepped into my office. I saw everything in his eyes. His pain, anguish, his saddness.

I tried to help him the best I can, but I found no results in my research.

And it all came down to one pill. The drug that's caused havoc throughout the entire continent. Yet, he insisted on taking it. He never knew the danger it will inflict upon him... and I tried to reason him with that, but he kept pleading me.

I knew I should've said no, but what more can I do?

I gave it to him.

I can already see everything happen before my eyes, and I'm sure to regret what I've done.

• A U T H O R •

The whole room turned dark. Just as it did, a hint of red flashed on the assassin's eyes.

One move, and you're dead. One blink, then you see him inches away from you. A sound, and you're bound to be begging for mercy.

His eyes and aura cried out all that. He didn't need words to describe what he felt; he poured all his hatred and anger into his eyes. The eyes that scream 'Death', even worse than Federick's.

He held two knives in each hand, both heated up to a hundred degrees. His mask was on the ground, and his scarf was more ripped.

Henry and Peter stood still. They were too confident, and it lead them to this.

Without thinking, they pulled the trigger on their guns.

And he deflected it with the knives.

Just as his eyes had warned, he was right behind them in an instant, weapons pointing at their necks.

"Let's do this the easy way. Let go of my boyfriends, and I'll spare you." He whispered into their ears with venom in his voice.

They shut their eyes close, not wanting to meet Alexander's.

"W-We won't..." Peter croaked. He looked at his gun, wanting to shoot him. But he couldn't move. He didn't.

So the knife struck his heart.

He let out an ear-piercing scream before falling to the ground.

Henry took a few steps back as Alexander released him.

He pointed his gun at him again. As he did, he wished he could unsee what he just saw.

Alexander held a heart. Peter's heart.

He licked the blood, eyeing Henry as he did so.

He shrieked and dropped his gun as his eyes landed on his partner's now dead body.

Alexander threw the other knife at him, purposely missing his face a few centimeters away.

"You don't wanna end up like him, do you now?" He sent him a deathly smile and walked up to him.

The closer he went, the more Henry shivered. He's never feared anyone like this before, let alone know what REAL fear is like.

But now, he knows. He knows the one fear that will eat him up inside, the fear that will haunt him in the dark, the fear that will turn into his nightmares.

It's all Midnight.

"Where are they?" He asked once he's only a meter away from Henry.

He gulped and pointed to a door with shaky hands. He almost screamed when Midnight went closer, only to realize he just wanted to take his knife.

He walked away, and he took the time to scram.

• A L E X A N D E R •

They should learn never to mess with me.

Other than that, I feel... great.

I've never felt this powerful before.

Hah, this is amazing!

I kicked the metal door down with ease. The room is sorta empty...

This isn't the right room.

Oh that son of a bitch!

No matter. I'll hunt him down AFTER I find my boyfriends.

So I checked every room. Eventually, I found them in the last one.

"John! Thomas!" All the bloodlust in me left in an instant.

"Alexander?! How did you find us??"

"Boss helped." I answered John while I ran up to them.

I grabbed a hold of the chains and broke them with my bare hands. They looked at me shocked, but I dragged them outaide with me before they could ask how I was able to do that.

"Holy shit!!" Thomas exclaimed when he saw his dad's dead body. Well, the heart that was just lying around.

"Guys, get to the car down the street."
I said while gesturing them to move along.

I turned around, ready to leave, but John grabbed my hand before I could. "What about you?"

I pondered for a moment. I can't just say that I'm going to kill his dad, even though he and Peter aren't my targets.

"I've got some business to do..."

"No, you don't." Thomas engulfed me in a hug, and I fought the urge to melt into his touch, only to fail in doing so.

"You're coming home with us. Please."

I wanted to say no. But I didn't.



We rode Thomas' car in silence. Usually, John would be the first one to start a conversation. But he seems so... distant for some reason.

Both my boyfriends are. I don't know what happened, but I know this has something to do with their dads.

"What's with you guys?" I asked all of a sudden.

I felt the tension between them grow. They seem obligated to tell me, yet they don't.

"Nevermind. You're probably uncomfortable--"

"No, it's... we'll tell you..."


They told me everything, and now they're in the evege of tears.

I don't understand... why would their dads do such thing?

I really should've killed John's dad.

He doesn't deserve to live...

So they're basically orphans now. Like me...

Wait, I haven't told them about that yet...

But should I...?

No. I can't. Maybe I'll tell them another day. For now, I'm just gonna have to keep my mouth shut.

----- (More timeskips cuz why not?)

We finally made it to our dorm. It's 12 am, meaning no one is awake around this time.

John plopped onto the couch, and Thomas followed suite. They're obviously tired from the last two weeks...

They immediately fell asleep holding each other. I smiled at the sight.

Another night of no sleep for me.

Total words: 1041
I'm sorry if this chapter seems lazy
I'm sick rn but I decided to publish this chapter
Also shud I make an art book? Or nah?

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