Getting Sanyu's point,Randhir realised his mistake. I'm sorry Parth and Arya, it's I spoke it all in the heat of moment, I can't Princess on that bed , I miss her giggling....Randhir spoke breaking down finally.

Kneeling, next to Randhir, Parth and Arya hugged him.She is strongest baby , she will be fine...Parth spoke wiping Randhir's tears.

Arya too patted his back, assuring that Trisha will be fine.

We are sorry Sanyu, we wouldn't take care of Trisha properply...Ruhi spoke in guilt.Don't you guys, ever feel guilty. You're people are not to be blamed ...........Sanyu spoke hugging them, crying her heart out.

After, about half an hour, doctor asked all of them to enter inside the room.

Randhir slowly pushed the door and rest of the people followed him,Sanyu rushed towards Trisha's bed. Trisha was sleeping peacefully.

Momma is sorry baby, she won't leave you alone and go away now, please forgive me baby....saying Sanyu flopped a kiss on Trisha's forehead. Sanyu began to caress her face slowly.

Dadda too is sorry Princess, he won't leave you alone now.....saying Randhir pecked her cheeks lightly and took her tiny little hands in his. Feeling ,Randhir's voice and Sanyu's voice, Trisha slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were closed little, she saw her momma and dadda next to her and next moment she began to cry badly. Sanyu immediately took Trisha i her arms and holding close to her began to rock her. Trisha resting herself in her momma's arms was staring at her Dadda only cutely. Trisha waved at Randhir, like always asking him to come near her. Randhir did as his daughter asked him to too.Sanyu settled Trisha in her lap and Trisha after few minutes began to look around , she was staring at all people around her, but her eyes were fixed on Randhir who from time to time was ruffling her hairs.

Been, enough with Sanyu Trisha asked Randhir to take her. Trisha was little pale. Food poison was very less, infact Trisha had not ate that part which had poison, due to little effect she fainted that's it.

Randhir settled on bed, and Trisha on his lap.Sanyu moved to prepare her milk bottle as Ruhi and Vidushi had arranged for Trisha's food.

Trisha holded Randhir's finger in one hand and was playing with it, while her eyes were stuck on his face. She was seeing her fear Dadda with a faint smile. Seeing, her stare at him lovingly , Randhir had tears in his eyes.

I promise, Dadda won't leave you alone, he will always take you with him wherever he goes,Dadda doesn't likes his gloomy princess , Dadda loves to hear his Princess laughs and giggles....Randhir said to Trisha to which she patted him on his face with her tiny hands.

Love you too....saying Randhir kissed tiny hands.

Parth and Arya, Trisha is calling you ....Randhir spoke getting they both of them were still guilt-ridden.Neither, they moved from their place.

Princess, call Arya buddy and Parth Chachu.....Randhir spoke to Trisha who was chewing her finger by now, with her teethless mouth.

Trisha listening to Randhir , saw upwards and wave towards Arya and Parth and spoke something in her baby tone.

Arya wiped the corner of her eyes, while Parth patted his back and gestured him to take a step towards them, Walking, near Trisha, Arya kissed her on her cheeks and Parth caressed her face lightly.

Get well soon doll, buddy and chachu are really very sorry ...........Arya spoke.

Arya what's gone is gone , and now no one will speak again on this matter....Sanyu spoke walking back with Ruhi and Vidushi.

Get well soon Doll, we will do lot's of masti too, we need to prepare for buddy's marriage too.....Vidushi said to Trisha, to which Trisha smartly pointed at Arya.

Smart Doll...saying Ruhi Trisha her toys which she had for her.

Two days passed in a jiff,till Trisha got discharge from hospital . Randhir made sure to check about history details of each and every person working in his home. Randhir, Sanyu and rest of the people great care of Trisha. She was only little pale, Trisha was back to her playing again. Randhir and Sanyu were not letting Trisha move away from their eye-sight even for a second.

Entering home, at night, Randhir and Sanyu laid on either side of Trisha staring at sleeping Trisha, who had clutched Sanyu's hand in her one hand and Randhir's hand in her another hand.

Sanyu, I'm sorry it just...Randhir said and Sanyu knew he will blame himself for all the happenings.

No, Randhir no one is too be blamed, it was the situation in which we wouldn't do anything. see the culprit is behind the bars, Aryan and his dad too are in jail, Trisha too is fine, don't be guilty, neither you're guilty nor our friends....Sanyu replied to him cutting him in middle.

Randhir ruffled Trisha's hairs, to which Trisha opened her eyes slowly and closed them again.

I'll protect you both always ...Randhir spoke to Sanyu passing a assurance.

I trust you....came her reply.


Next few days, passed in Arya's and Ruhi's marriage preparation. Their marriage was a private one, so less were invited. All security measures were done tightly. Finally, on marriage day, most happiest person was Trisha , who wore a small lehenga was looking prettiest, was in Randhir's arms, waving at all the new things which were coming in her way, Randhir was getting a tough time to make her daughter understand, as Trisha been a curious kid, was pointing at each and every single thing. Randhir was explaining, he knew she was not getting a single bit of it, still he was trying his best to answer his curious daughter. Trisha been a naughty just wanted to crawl around and grab everything in her hands, her crawling would result into diaster so none of them were taking a risk to leave her down. It Trisha would start to crawl then all the wedding decoration would been a mess. Her tiny dress with simple design too attracted her and she was busy exploring it.

Randhir was checking upon last minute preparations, same was with Parth, Sanyu and Vidushi were with Ruhi. All the people were looking pretty in their wedding outfits.

Making Ruhi sit beside Arya for the wedding rituals, Sanyu walked towards Randhir and Trisha, while Vidushi walked towards Parth. Randhir was just staring at his pretty wife. Sanyu felt shy feeling his intense gaze on her. She was blushing. Seeing her parents not paying attention to her, Trisha patted Randhir on his face , getting him out of his wife's dreamland.

Finally, Arya and Ruhi were married !


After few days, Arya and Ruhi went on to their honeymoon. Parth and Vidushi too left for their place. Sadly, Randhir and Sanyu were sad , but they had not other choice. Now, Randhir and Sanyu day used to start with Trisha's giggles and end cuddling her. In this time, Randhir and Trisha's bond become separable. Trisha was still learning to speak or utter words. She was still in a process. Trisha after waking up, first used to search for Randhir, if Randhir was not near her she used to cry. Sometimes, she was who used to wake up Randhir. Randhir's office day , used to end quickly, as he wanted to spend time with Trisha so used to wrap his work quickly.

Sanyu was troubled by naughty Trisha a lot. Crawling over all living room and playroom, Trisha used to make Sanyu behind her whole.Now-a-days, when Sanyu used to say 'it's milk time', Trisha not liking milk, used to hide behind somewhere and Sanyu had to find her naughty daughter everywhere. Sanyu never used to leave Trisha out of her sight. Trisha's one small shrill and Sanyu used to get panic.

Trisha was light and sunshine of house. Doctor's treatment was going on for Trisha, but with passing of time that too stopped, as her surgery was completely well. Trisha was growing fast.

Trisha been the strongest bond between Randhir and Sanyu had holded them tightly. Randhir was madly in love with Sanyu and same was with Sanyu.She felt herself lucky to have a husband like Randhir.They didn't need to say ' I love you' daily to each other, a single kiss on her forehead was enough for her to get what he feels for her. Randhir was a man , who sometimes used to express his love towards her , or sometimes show through his actions. His actions were enough for her to get what she means to him.


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