Taehyung - Puppy Love

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Here is the long awaited request from 
mytaetaey 💓
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"Y/N, do you like kittens or puppies more?" Taehyung suddenly asks as we were studying in my room. 

"We have a test tomorrow Tae, we shouldn't get distracted." I said without even looking sat him. I hate Chemistry so much, we have a huge exam tomorrow and I am totally not ready at all. 

"But.. I only asked a small simple question." He pulled on my arm to get my attention. He then began to whine. I sighed and stopped what I was doing to turn and give Taehyung my full, undivided attention. 

"I am afraid of both, so I don't like either of them." I answered his question. Taehyung looked at me blankly, slowly his jaw began to drop. 


"Yes, yes, I know, tragic right? I don't know okay? They just .. scare me and I get freaked out." I turned back to my notes. He became to mumble and squirm around. 

"But they are so adorable, how could you not like them at all?" Taehyung continued on the conversation. I ignored his question. There was an awkward silence. 

"That's it," he suddenly stood up. I looked at him with confusion as he got up from his seat to sit in front of me. "I'm taking you to an animal shelter after our exam." I looked at Tae alarmingly. 

"No .. please no. I am absolutely terrified of dogs and puppies." I shook my head and tried harder to focus on studying. 

"PLEASEEEEEEEE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEEEEE" There he goes again, with his annoying whining. I couldn't handle it any longer, it was so annoying and he knew it annoys me as well. 

"Fine fine," I gave in, not only because he was adding more stress, but because maybe puppies aren't so bad as I think they are. I'm still traumatized by that awful event that occurred like seven years ago, but I mean hey, it was SEVEN years ago so I should be okay now right? Im not going to even bring up the situation, let's just say I was sractched up pretty good. Everyone says they look so adorable and cuddly, and they're definitely not lying. 


"But under one condition," I included before he could continue celebrating. "You have to pass your exam, if you don't, I wont go. Fair enough?" 

"Fair enough!" Taehyung grinned widely and returned back to his seat to study for the upcoming exam. 

"Tch.. such a little kid." I mumbled. 

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"Your exams are graded, and I will now hand them out to you all. Please do not share your scores with other students in the class." Ms. Park announced. Who wouldn't share their results? 

And as expected, girls turned right around to their best friends to share their results. No one in this class really listens to Ms. Park, she's a rude teacher and doesn't even seem to care enough to do ther job correctly. 

Soon enough, I got back my exam. I was terrified to even flip the packet to see the number. I took a few deep breaths and flipped it over. 95 out of 100, yes! I studied so hard for this freaking test, I better have had a good score. 

From the corner of my eye, I saw Taehyung walk slowly over to me. His head was hanging low and I could tell just by his body language that he did not get a good score. I felt yet, but all I could do was smile innocently. 

"What's wrong kiddo? Got a bad score? Aw.. that sucks, guess we cant go to the animal shelter." I shrugged and placed my exam on the table so that my score was clearly shown. taehyung sighed loudly. I furrowed my brows and looked at him, well gee he must've really gotten a bad score. 

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