Jungkook - Time Wasted

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"I just think .. we should stop here." Jungkook stuffed his hands in his pockets, his gaze was not on me. I looked at him with glass eyes. My lips were quivering, my entire body felt cold.

"So you're saying, all this time, everything you said was a lie?" I could hear the crack in my voice. 

"Y/N, if I were to be honest with you, I fell for you. I caught feelings for you, but I was hesitant because I didnt want to try and date again and still be hurt from my ex." Jungkook looked at me.

"But ... how could you treat me in such a way like this... ?" I dropped my head. I bit my bottom lip to restrain myself from letting my tears drop.

"Listen Y/N, we're not even dating-"

"NO! You don't get it at all! You made me believe you were different. Y-you made me believe that you'd never break my heart ... I put all my trust and love into you, yet you still choose to leave me broken." I looked at Jungkook straight in the eye and let my tears slide down my cheeks. He widened his eyes a bit at me.

"You're a liar Jungkook. A big, fat, liar! All of your words and promises, all lies. You think I don't know, but I know. You've fallen for another girl, and she isn't me. I know, we are not dating but ... how could you use me as your temporary entertainment then just suddenly leave out of the blue? I never meant anything to you did I?" I waited for a response, but Jungkook was speechless.

"Can we still be friends ...?" Jungkook had the audacity to say. I painfully laughed and wiped a few tears away.

"No," I breathed out shakily.

"I prefer we don't because we will never talk because of this awkwardness. I can't bare this. Never talk or look for me again." I looked away in pain.

"I am so sorry Y/N.." Was all he said before walking away, leaving me alone in the quiet gym. As soon as I heard the door shut, I fell to the ground and cried my heart out. It felt as if someone had dug into my body and ripped out my heart, tore it, and tried to put it back as if nothing happened.

At that moment, I knew that Jungkook would never come back.

I believed your sweet lies . Every word you had said to me . Every "I love you" every "I miss you". When everyone told me how toxic you were , I insisted and thought you were a good person . i trusted you with all my heart , and all you did was leave in the end . I wasn't enough for you , that you had found other that would fulfill your heart . How bitter of you . Within the two months that we had talked and bonded , I could have been bettering myself . Yet , I chose the wrong choice to fall in love with someone who has affected me greatly . All the times that we spent together , was nothing but a waste .


Based on real life events 🙃💔.

Hope you guys enjoyed this though 💕.

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