Hoseok - Boss

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Splash splash

Splash splash

"Here are some more dishes Y/N." Hyerin placed a huge stack of dirty dishes onto the counter next to the full sink. I grimaced at the sight. After she finished placing them there, she walked away, a trail of her snickers were left behind. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Fucken bitch." I mumbled under my breath.

"Y/N! I need veggies from the back!" Jung Min yelled.

"Coming!" I huffed. I roughly turned off the water faucet and threw my hand towel onto the counter, next to the huge stack of dishes. I scurried into the back and into the fridge. Opening the refrigerator, my eyes traveled around, looking for the veggies.

I quickly snatched the bags, closed the doors and walked out.

"Here." I pushed the bags in front of Jung Min's face. With his hand, he pushed it out of his sight and glared at me.

"Didn't you do this?" He asked. I gave him a confused look.

"Do what?" I breathed out, becoming impatient. I cocked his head towards the floor, and my eyes followed.

The floor had tomato sauce splattered all over. I looked back up and closed my eyes, sighing heavily.

"How could I do this, when I simply went to go get your damn veggies?" I gritted my teeth, holding back the urge to choke him. He just shrugged.

"I don't know, stop causing problems for us dumbass." He snatched the bags and began walking away.

"Also, clean up this mess." His voice became distant. I wanted to yell in frustration. Rip my hair. I'm fucken tired of dealing with these people.

"Y/N?" I glared at the door. But then I regret it because I saw who it was, and my eyes softened a bit.

"What do you want Soo Ra?" I asked, turning away. I heard her footsteps come closer to me. I then felt a hand on my shoulder, which made me react quickly.

"Come on, I'll help you clean up." She smiled warmly. Gosh, she really knows how to melt my heart.

"I'm glad to have a best friend like you Soo Ra." I sighed. She pat my back gently.

"I hate this job, I swear. Hyerin and Jung Min are the most annoying people ever." I huffed out. She nodded in agreement.

"Let's clean this up, I'll help you wash the dishes too."

"But what about your job?" I asked worriedly. She shook her head.

"Who cares? Let the fuckers do it." We both laughed.


I passed Soo Ra a plate, and she ran it under the warm water. We've been standing in front of the sink for probably 30 minutes now, just washing the dishes. We were becoming very tired.

"Soo Ra! Where the fuck are you?! Why aren't you doing your job?!" Hyerin came into the kitchen yelling. I rolled my eyes, so did Soo Ra.

"I don't have enough coffee in me to deal with her crap." I whispered to Soo Ra, and she giggled in response making me smile.

"Didn't you hear me?!" Hyerin yelled. Soo Ra closed her eyes for a few seconds then reopened them. She hastily closed the faucet and turned to glare at Hyerin.

Oh shit, shit is about to go down.

"Of course I hear you Hyerin, at least I have ears unlike you," The other workers began coming into the kitchen to see what all the fuss was all about.

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