Taehyung - Wine

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Akekeke , got the idea from Suran - Wine. Just love that freakin song.


Today was so stressful at work. The printing machine was acting like an idiot and decided not to function correctly. And with that, I couldn't print out any papers that my boss needed. My boss said it was okay and it wasn't my fault that the printing machine had not worked but, it was his annoying ass assistant who got on my nerves. She spilt her coffee on my favorite white button up, yelled at me for no apparent reason, and blamed everything on me.


"Y/N, come here!" Min Soo, my boss's assistant, yelled from across the office.

"Yes!" I answered back, then turned to my friend with my eyes rolling. I was already mad enough that she spilled her damn coffee on my shirt.

"Yikes Y/N, good luck. Don't let her get to you." She gently pat my back. I sighed deeply and got up to walk over to her seat.

"Yes, Min Soo?" I waited patiently for her to say some bullshit to me. She didn't answer for a good 10 seconds, then she stopped what she was doing and looked up at me. Looking up and down at me, she gave me a disgusted face.

"What's up with your outfit today Y/N?" She asked such a dumb question. I looked down at myself, I thought I looked fine. I was only wear a white button up, a pencil skirt that stopped at mid-thigh, and black heels.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked back.

"It looks so ugly and boring, luckily my coffee stain brought your whole outfit back to life." She smiled at me and began to type on her computer. I chuckled a bit and she turned back at me.

"Oh Miss Y/N shii .. what is so funny? You agree right?" She grinned.

"No. Funny thing is, you clearly haven't looked into the mirror. What the fuck are you wearing? Who wears a white lace dress with cheetah leggings and ankle boots?" I asked with an innocent face and walked away.

"Y-yah!!! Y/N!!!!!!!!" Min Soo yelled from her seat. I just ignored her and walked back to my chair, I already knew it was going to be a long day.


"You're so freakin stupid Y/N! You broke this god damn printer! Now Mr. Park can't have his papers for the meeting! Gosh you're always a fuck up." Min Soo lectured at me. All I could do was glare at her with annoyance.

"Lower your damn eyes before I slap you. How complicated was it for you to print 15 copies of these? NOT THAT DAMN HARD RIGHT!?" She yelled.

"Hey, what's going on here!?" Mr. Park came into the office. I assume Min Soo's loud ass voice brought him here.

"O-oh .. I am so sorry Mr. Park. Y/N here told me that the printer was broken, it was all her fault. I will go to the other offices to see if I can finish these printings for you." Her voice changed really quick, all high pitched and sweet pfttt as if.

"Why didn't you just do that in the beginning rather than yelling at Y/N here? And it was not her fault. Y/N, it's okay it is not your fault so do not worry about it."

"But, Mr. Park!"

"No buts, be quiet Min Soo. Y/N, go home early, I dont have anything else left for you to do. It's getting late too. Have a nice weekend." Mr. Park said. Shocked, I bowed and thanked him. He gave a small smile and walked off. Min Soo gave me a dirty look before walking with Mr. Park.

Thank god I don't have to be with her anymore.

*Flashback over*

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