Jungkook - Don't Let Me Go

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"You know what Jungkook? I dont think this is going to work." I sighed shakily. He was silent, as usual.

"Considering the fact that you're quiet means we should break up right?" Silence again.


"Jungkook please! You cannot just use lame excuses anymore. I cannot accept that. I CAUGHT you cheating on me not once, but twice! How could you see me as a toy and think that I wouldn't mind?" I began to sob.

"Y/N you know it's not like that ..." Jungkook tried to gently touch my arm.

"Dont touch me!" I yelled at him. He flinched and stopped.

"Okay! I admit it! I cheated on you twice! But that was because of my stupid needs. I'm sorry that I couldnt be patient enough-"

"YOU EVEN DID IT WITH OTHER GIRLS? OH MY GOD JUNGKOOK." I grasped a handful of my hair.

"Y/N COULD YOU JUST SIMPLY LET ME SPEAK?!" He yelled back. I crossed my arms together as tears left my eyes uncontrollably.

"You mean the whole world to me Y/N, and you know that. It was my stupid mistake and I never shouldn't done it, not once but twice. I know that you could never forgive me, but please .. just don't leave me.. you're everything I've ever wanted." I watched him cry pitifully. He even got down on his knees and that's when I lost it and broke down into more tears. He looked up at me sadly.

"Come here .." He whispered and I was suddenly in his embrace. I could never forgive him for what he had done, but I love this man way too much. Just the warmth of him makes me forget why we argued.

"I promise.. I will never ever do it again. Please Y/N." He held me tighter. I sniffled and more tears fell. Nodding 'okay' he caressed my hair lovingly.

"I love you so much." He finally says.

"I love you too."

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