Namjoon - Strawberries

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Pitter patter

Pitter patter

Cold drops of rain hit against the windows nearby. I peeped outside the window to get a view, it was quite a mess. I shrugged it off, and went back to cutting strawberries for Namjoon and I.

"Ouch!" I hissed and pulled my hand away quickly. The knife dropped with a bang, and Namjoon entered the kitchen as fast as lightning.

"What?! What happened?!" He asked in a worried tone. I looked up at him, and then back at my cut.

"Nothing, nothing is wrong." I smiled and pulled my hand behind my back. But, he wasn't buying it. He frowned and made his way to me. His hand traveled to my back, taking my small hand into his.

"Aish, you're so clumsy." He ruffled my hair playfully. I furrowed my brows.

"So are you!" I stuck my tongue out and he chuckled. He placed my hand down and walked over to a drawer that was close, pulled out a box and walked back.

He pulled out a bandaid from the box and unpeeled it. After he did so, grabbing my hand, he placed it on my finger. After he was satisfied with his placement, he brought my hand up to his face and kissed the finger.

"There," He looked into my eyes deeply and I felt myself blush madly.

"All better." He grinned, his beautiful dimples making a grand appearance.

"T-thank you..." I couldn't help but pull away to cover up my red face. He grabbed my hand and lead me into the dark living room. I could speak because of the sudden movement. I felt nervous as to what would happen next.

Hey, anything could happen alright? A man and a women home alone on a rainy day and going into a dark living room? That sounds like my brain needs to be drowned in holy water.

Good thing was, he turned on the lights, so the room was a bit brighter. I breathed out in relief. Namjoon led me to the sofa, and we both sat down. His eyes were mesmerizing as he stared deeply into my eyes, basically my soul.

I couldn't help but look at his eyes, ten shift my gaze to his plump beautiful lips. I gulped and looked up at his eyes again. He was smirking, and that's when I knew

My life fucked up.

"Ah," I broke the tension between us before things got any farther.

"I forgot about the strawberries." I chuckled nervously and got up to go grab the strawberries. I slowly walked into the kitchen to get the bowl.

"Hurry Y/N ..." He whined from the other side. My eyes widened immediately and I quickly snatched the bowl and fastened my pace to the living room.


I placed the bowl on the coffee table in front of us. Before I could turn to face Namjoon, he gripped onto my wrist and pulled me down on top of him. I groaned in pain and smacked his arm.

"Yah!" I tried hiding my burning face. His hand snaked to my back and pulled me closer to him. Our faces were only centimeters apart and our hearts were racing.

He turned to the side as if he was looking for something, my eyes traveled where he was looking. He reached out to the bowl of strawberries and picked one up. I got up, and I was now sitting on his stomach, well, straddling his stomach.

He looked deeply into my eyes and pulled me down gently again. He brought the strawberry in front of my lips and signaled for me to take a bite.

"Uh .. okay .." I awkwardly took a small bite. Namjoon then smirked and took a bite as well. Suddenly, he threw it across the room.

"Yah the living room with get dir-" I was pulled down by him again. This time, there was so distance between our faces. My lips landed on his, and our lips were molded perfectly.

The taste of strawberry was still there. He then bit my lip, asking for entrance but I wouldn't let him. Because I didn't, he flipped us over so that he was the one on top now. I gulped nervously and avoided his strong gaze. I felt him come closer to me, his breath hit against my flesh.

"I'm not ready!" I suddenly blurted out. I gasped and covered my mouth.

Stupid ass.

I heard chuckling, and I turned to look at Namjoon. His dimples were showing once again, and I couldn't help but look at him in awe.

"What did you think we were going to do, silly?" He removed a strand of hair from my face. Heat traveled to my cheeks again.

"Nothing.." I avoided his gaze. He lifted my chin up so that I would look at him. His eyes were softer, he was giving me a lovingly gaze.

4 O clock is playing now 😭😭😭 THIS SONG IS MY SHITEU MAN.

Namjoon slowly leaned in, but stopped right at my lips. He teased me by brushing his lips against mine. I began to become impatient, I needed his lips.

"Kiss me already." I whined and pouted. He wasted no time and pressed his plump lips onto mine. Our eyes were closed, and we just went with the flow. Our lips moved in sync, our cheeks were bright pink, and our minds were blank.

Pitter patter

Pitter patter

The rain continued to hit against the windows. It was cold, but our warm bodies together in an embrace was enough warmth for the both of us. But then

We forgot about the strawberries.

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