Jungkook - Idols Together pt.2

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Jungkook's POV

"Yes yes, and how do you feel about
Y/N getting hurt not only physically but verbally?"

"I could care less, I was one of the people to do it. I have my own reasons."

"And could you all tell us your reasons?"

"Jungkook oppa, he's mine. He's ours, but Y/N stole him from us."

"Don't you think Jungkook is at the age where he should have some sort of relationship?"

"No, not at all, he's still our little golden maknae and we have to protect him."

"What are your other reasons?"

"I hate Y/N, seriously. When she sings, her voice is annoying. And she lacks dancing skills."

"Ouch .. that hurts even me."

"Truth hurts."

"Well, don't you think Jungkook would be disappointed in you armys? Because this is going on tv"


"Please excuse the interruption, there has been a slight problem and we will fix that soon. Thank you for watching Seoul's Daily."

I hastily grabbed the remote and turned the tv off. Rubbing my temples, I exhaled sharply.

"I cannot hate my armys but at this point, they have crossed the line." I muttered. I tried my best to calm myself so I would rage over my hyungs, they would've thought something was wrong and something is! Our fandom is hurting my Y/N.

"Jungkook," I looked up, it was Jimin.

"Hyung." I breathed out. His face showed sadness as he came to sit next to me.

"Y/N ..." He started.

"I know." I turned to look away. Jimin sighed.

"What will you do?" He suddenly asked and I looked back at him. I didn't answer for a moment, thinking.

"This won't stop unless I do something about it. Don't worry, I have an idea." I stood up, smiling.

"Yah, at least tell me." Jimin's voice echoed as I walked away.


I stared blankly at my phone, waiting for a call.

Apparently there was none.

It's been a day since the incident, and Y/N has not called me or informed me about it. I suppose that she didn't want me to know or worry. But how can I when she's my little angel? It isn't right for me to not worry.

Without hesitation, I dialed her number.


I smiled.

She answered.

"Y/N ah,"

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