Jin - Lipstick

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"neoui nun, ko, ib
nal manjideon ne songil
jageun sontopkkaji da~~" My boyfriend was singing. "Oppa," I started. He looked at me, "Yeah?" I just laughed. "Stappppp." I teased.

"Ah why? You don't like my singing?" He pouted. "No, that's not it. I love your singing!" I continued laughing. "Yah stop hurting my heart." Jin put a hand to his chest.

I just shook my head and giggled as I turned back to the mirror. I reached out for two lip sticks, a pink and a red one. I focused really hard on which one to pick. Giving up, I faced Jin and brought the two lipsticks up to the air. "Oppa!" I said aloud. He turned and faced me.

"Which one would look better on me? Pink or red?" I asked looking at the pink then the red and sighed. He only then shrugged and folded his arms. "I don't know, whatever you like." I heard a tone of rudeness (I don't even think that's a word LOL.). I got up from my chair and sat on his lap (Wow freaky eh? 😏 no.)

"Oppaaaaa~ why are you mad?" I pouted and pinched his cheeks. He slowly pulled my hands away and leaned in for a kiss. "I'm not mad." He laughed.

"Get up." He commanded. I did so, not wanting to disobey him. "The pink one, although, it would look better on me." Jin flipped his hair and sashayed away.

"Uh ... wtf ..." I muttered as I got back in my chair and applied lip balm instead. I didn't want Pink Princess Jin to complain 🙄.

Okay well this one was a lame one 😂. I didn't have enough creativity, so sorry LOL.

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