Jin - Just A Friend...?

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You are Sae Ra.

Sae Ra's POV

I'd wish that he would just understand. I wish that Jin could see my feelings. I'm always so shy towards him and, awkward.

It was my first year at a new school, and Jin was my very first friend as well. When I first met him, oh how kind he was. I remember the moment like it was yesterday.

"Aish.. I'm so clumsy.." I mumbled softly. I eyed my pen that hand fell on the floor. I was lazy to pick it up, but I had to. Just as I was leaning down to receive it, a hand went to reach for it first.

I jumped up from shock, to see a cute boy right in front of me.

"Is this," He looked at the pen, and handed it to me. His eyes traveled to mine, and our eyes met.

"Yours?" He asked with a smile.

At that moment, I fell in love. His beautiful bright smile that could light up the dark night sky. His soft voice. Everything seemed about perfect.

"Hello?" He gently waved his free hand in front of my face. I snapped back to reality.

"Ah.. sorry. Yes it is ..." I answered softly. He handed the pen over to me, and I blushed.

"Thank you ..."

"You're welcome." He smiled. I couldn't looked at him straightly. I was way too shy to do so.

"Are you perhaps, a transfer student?" He asked. Looking at him, I nodded.

"Wah, that's awesome! Welcome to Seoul High. What is your name? If you don't mind me asking." He asked politely.

"Ah .. I am Sae Ra. Park Sae Ra." I smiled a bit.

"I like your name." He grinned, and I blushed.

"I'm Seokjin. Kim Seokjin. But many call me Jin, you can call me Jin." I didn't do anything but smile.

"Well, I'll see you soon, Sae Ra." He flashed a smile at me. Jin waved and began to walk off.

"Bye ... Jin." A smile never left my face that day.

I smiled at the small memory.

I heard stomping come from downstairs. I furrowed my brows at the sudden noise.

"Sae Ra! Sae Ra!!" Jin came running into my room.

"Ah what is it? You scared me, making me think you were a burglar." I pouted a bit. He leaned his hands on his knees and tried to catch his breath. He gulped and opened his mouth to speak.

"Remember Hye Eun?" Jin suddenly asked.

"The girl you like? Yes?" I asked back. He nodded quickly.

"What about her?"

"She finally confessed to me! Ahhh I'm so happy!!!" He exclaimed and jumped around.


It felt as if a piece of glass just pierced through my heart. I didn't think his words would hurt me this much.

"That..." He looked at me. My lips curved into a smile.

"That's great!!!" I clapped.

"I am so happy for you!" A fake smile planted across my face. Jin's face beamed with excitement.

"But ..." I started. He smiled and waited for me.

"What do you see me as?" I asked with all the courage I poured out.

"A friend of course!" He answered without hesitation, and with a bright smile. My smile faded. I couldn't show my pain, I had to smile.

"Ah right! What am I thinking?" I laughed and smacked my head. We both laughed. And suddenly his phone rang.

"Oh! It's Hye Eun! I'll see you later! Bye!" He waved me off and ran out the room.

I was left in the empty room by myself.

"Bye ..."

"Jin." I fell on the bed and exhaled. The pain grew even more, it was creating a scar.

I guess he's right.

We're really just friends.

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