Jin- Mukbang

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A/N: I just realized that I didn't title the Namjoon one shot before this one *face palm*.


"Are you hungry?" I asked my boyfriend, Jin. He immediately glanced up from his utterly distracting and annoying electronic device. Mario and Luigi voice were heard in the background.

"Yes!" He exclaimed with a bright smile that made me happy. I smiled.

"Then you order," I stuck my tongue out at him and turned around to walk back to my room. "I have to wash up." I heard him groan in frustration and I giggled to myself.


I walked out of my room with hello kitty pajamas on. Going into the bathroom, I took the towel off of my head and finished drying my hair with the towel before hanging the towel up. I made my way downstairs, but when I reached the top of the stairs, the mouth watering aroma of food smacked my face. I inhaled and and sighed out, satisfied, but not satisfied enough. I didn't waste anytime to run down the stairs, and into the kitchen where the dining table was.

I widened my eyes at the beautiful sight. In front of my eyes, it shone so bright, my eyes began to tear up at its beauty. 2 types of chicken; fried chicken and spicy chicken. My mouth watered. A fried rice platter laid perfectly next to the chicken, it's bright colors that consists of its vegetables and meat. Colorful sushi that surrounded not 1 but 2 huge plates. Even though it's just this, the ramen noodles, oh god, THE RAMEN NOODLES FAM, Jin must've made these just to be all extra, Jesus he knows I love ramen. There were so many more, but I couldn't just stand there and stare. I sat down quickly and started to dig in until Jin stopped me. I glared at him.

"Slowww down princess," He chuckled at me. "Do you like it?" I nodded and looked at the food in awe. I don't like it, I LOVE it!  Listen, I'm a pretty big eater. I could probably beat Jin is an eating competition, well, maybe. I may look all petite and small, but trust me, I hog everything that lays on the table. He finally pulled away and smiled.

"Eat up." He finished. With that, I did not hesitate to stuff my face with the delicious food. I earned many laughs from him, but I chose to ignore.

"Bet you can't beat me," I stopped my tracks and looked at him suspiciously. What are you planning you little butt? He smiled warmly.

"Let's split everything in half, the first person that finishes wins!" He continued on. I thought about it for a moment. Hmm. Seems fun. I nodded in agreement but stopped. I swallowed my food before talking.

"Wins what?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The first person to finish gets to do whatever they want for an hour, and the loser has to go along with it." He grinned. You little.. I squinted at him.

"Fine. We all know I'll win anyway." I flipped my hair.

"We'll see princess," He smirked. "We'll see."


"Jesus, I'm full." I sighed and sat back in my chair while holding the chopsticks in my hand. Jin looked up from his bowl, put it down, and swallowed his food before talking.

"Oh cmon Y/N, are you really giving up now?" He smirked and picked up his bowl again to continue eating. I just rolled my eyes. Looking at my own bowl that still had a lot of ramen, I felt like barfing. I have to win this, come on Y/N! Fighting! I gave myself some motivation. I exhaled deeply and continued eating.

After some time, I felt like giving up again. Every time I stuffed my mouth with food, I felt hot tears dying to come out. Jin seemed to have noticed, but still ate his food. Does he have a stomach the size of a cow!? (A/N: I actually don't know if cows have a huge stomach but you understand what I'm trying to say lol.)

"You giving up?" He slurped the last of noodles and reached out for the plate of fried chicken. I didn't answer and just stared into space, thinking about life.

What am I doing here? I should be watching kdramas right now. Did I do my laundry? Oh wait I told Fluffy to do it. Wait, she's our dog.... of course she does it, nevermind. Am I on my period? Maybe not. Oppa..

"Yah." A voice snapped me back to life and I flinched.

"Are you giving up?" Jin smiled at me. I'm going to strangle you.

"Tch. No." I chuckled and reached for my chopsticks but he stopped me, placing his hand on top of mine, making me look at him.

"You lost, I won. Just admit it." He smirked a bit. I breathed out. Finally I can live. I just nodded and made my way to the living room and pushed myself onto the comfy couch.

"Hey, I won. So that means you have to do what I want for an hour." Jin pouted as he walked into the living room. I just groaned and pulled a blanket over me. There was silence for 2 minutes and it was scaring me for some reason. Then, I felt a hand tugging at me.

"Y/N~ let's play Mario 3D World!" He exclaimed, still tugging at me. I pushed his hand away and groaned again. Once again, there was silence.

"Fine," He just said. I felt weight shifting on the other side of the couch and an arm over my body. "Let's cuddle until you fall asleep then."

My heart raced. I could feel my cheeks burning but I chose to ignore it.

"Jagiya~~" He called out softly, his voice muffled through the thick and warm blanket. Again, I ignored. I heard him sigh before lifting the blanket off and making me face him. I glared at him, and he poked my nose.

"You're so cuteee~"

I couldn't help but smile. His eyes widened, surprised that I finally smiled after my angry expression, and smiled back. Pulling me into his chest, a wave of warmth washed over me.

"I'm sorry. You won this game Y/N, feel better?" He pat my back. I scoffed and smiled at his silliness.

"Sure." Was all I said before drifting off into a deep sleep, with my man by my side.

A/N: The ending was soooo boring. Boo :(

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