Namjoon - Rain

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I couldn't help but think about the many possible things Namjoon wanted to talk about. Yet I am here, out in the pouring rain and under an umbrella.

Although, it was quite comforting. Listening to the rain as each drop falls and hits the ground. The cold air surrounding and wrapping around your body.

I turned my gaze to my watch.

"He's late." I muttered silently. I've been standing here for half an hour already.

"Could he be stuck in traffic?" I muttered once again. Hearing loud footsteps, I thought it was him so I looked up. Turns out that it wasn't Namjoon.

It was just a different man, trying to get to his destination in a rush. I shook my head in disbelief at that man,

"Good luck." I whispered as the man continued to scurry off in the rain.

How odd? I have no idea. I just love being positive. Mom always told me to be positive no matter what, because it brings happiness.

Waiting for yet another 15 minutes, he still hasn't come. I thought it'd be smart to just go home and give him a call saying that I left because he was quite late. He would understand right? In fact, it was his fault.

I just shrugged at my inside thoughts. I gave one last sigh before turning to walk away. Before I could even take a step, loud footsteps were heard. I paused, then turned around. And in front of me, was a smiling Namjoon.

I was angry at him for arriving late, but his adorable smile was irresistible, not to mention that his dimples compliments his smile very well. I didn't even realize myself that the corner of my mouth began to curl into a smile.

"Hi." He breathed out.

"H-hi." I greeted back.

"I'm so sorry." I then realized. I furrowed my eyebrows and gave him a stern look.

"Woah woah woah, hold up missy," He held both hands up at me.

"What's up with the attitude?" He tried to keep himself from smiling.

"Your timing is horrible." I rolled my eyes at him. He chuckled nervously and scratched his head a bit.

"Yeah .. sorry." He apologized, and I smiled.

"It's alright."

There was silence between us. I forgot that we were in the rain. That I had an umbrella, and Namjoon didn't.

"Omo! I forgot! Oh gosh, you're soaked!" I exclaimed and motioned for him to come into my umbrella.

"Thought you'd never ask." He grinned cheekily and walked into the umbrella. It was a bit awkward, since half his body was literally still out in the rain.

He bit his lip, realizing the situation and looked around nervously. He shuffled closer to me, and I jerked backwards a bit. He only came closer and closer. His arms traveled to my waist, leaving me confused and shocked.

"For certain purposes." He smiled. I began to laugh.

"Sure." I laughed out.

Without realizing it, I was wrapping my arms around his waist as well, and bringing my head to lean against his chest.

"For certain purposes." I mocked him and he chuckled.

"Isn't this awkward?" I asked suddenly. After a few seconds, he pulled away and looked at me in the eyes.

"Not if I asked you to come here, so that I could confess to you." He smiled, his dimples showing.

I blinked multiple times.

"R-really?" I stuttered. He chuckled.

"Why of course."

"About what?" I asked such a dumb question.

"Silly, haven't you noticed how I've been acting towards you?"

I thought for a moment, then everything seemed to make sense.

"But I-"

"You thought that just because we're best friends, that they were only friendly actions?" He stole the words from my mouth. I nodded slowly.

"Well now you know," He smiled.

"You know that I like you now."

I gulped. I really didn't know what to say. I had feelings for him before, it was a long time ago. But I don't know how I feel now.

"So .. how do you feel about me?" He asked without making eye contact.

Should I? Just confess about my real feelings?

"I-... I.. don't know." I just said. It started to rain harder. Namjoon looked up at me, with slightly sad eyes, but he was smiling and it broke my heart.

"It's alright." He breathed out.

"Anyway, let's go before we get sick."

I couldn't stand this. I was making Namjoon hurt. He began to walk out of the umbrella, but I held onto his arm and he stopped his tracks.

"What's wrong?" He turned around. I didn't answer for a bit.

"I .."

"I do like you!" His eyes widened.

"I was going to confess to you way before, but you decided to get a girlfriend. And that made me lose feelings. I knew I couldn't do that to you, I couldn't take your happiness away because that would be self-"

Namjoon then pulled me into a tight hug, cutting off my sentence.

"Pabo. You are my happiness. You always were. I thought that I should move on from you, so I dated a different girl." He whispered into my ear, and chills were sent down my spine.

"Then why didn't you say so?" I felt myself tear up. He sighed and pulled away, his hands on the side of my arms.

"Because I was a wimp," I scoffed a little.

"And because I thought our friendship would be ruined." He finished and wiped away my tears.

"So tell me now, how do you feel about me, and I will again tell how I feel towards you." He smiled while caressing my cheeks lovingly.

"I like you." I confessed.

"I like you too." He wasted no time to place a soft kiss against my lips.

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