Chapter 6 - I Hate Surprises

Start from the beginning


Emily and I decided to take the boys to a little place we had bought ourselves with our combined savings.

It was a little chilly outside so I decided to wear jeans, a gray long sleeve sweater, my combat boots, and my key necklace. I threw my hair into a fishtail braid. I walked into the living room and flopped myself onto the couch as I waited for Emily.

I was scrolling through my twitter feed when I saw someone tweet a picture with the caption

'Zayn's New Girlfriend?'

I tapped on the link and looked at the photo.

It was Zayn and I holding hands walking into the restaurant.

"Oh my god." I said to myself

"What?" Emily asked as she walked into the room.

I showed her the photo.

"HOLY SHIT!" She shouted her mouth wide open.

"No! We aren't dating!" I knew exactly what she was thinking.

"Whatever you say, but you need to talk to him about that." She pointed to my iPhone.

I sighed, "I know."

"Now come on let's go. I told the boys we were on our way."

We walked out to the car and drove the boys' hotel. They came out quickly and piled into the car.

"Where are we going?" Liam asked buckling his seatbelt.

"It's a surprise." I said, as I looked out the window.

"I hate surprises," Niall stated, "I can never wait.

"Well sorry babe, you'll just have to." Emily smiled.

We finally pulled up to our destination. It was a beat up, brick, two story building on a strip. I looked at the boys; they all had the most confused faces on.

"Are you going to rape us?" Harry asked

Emily and I both laughed.

"Cause if you are all you need to do is ask." he winked with a cheeky smile.

"Now Harry, we aren't going to rape you. Just come with us." I explained.

We climbed out of the car and walked inside the building. The inside wasn't so beat up. The walls were all white and the floor was dark hard wood floors. There were spiral stars in the corner of the large room. There were lots of windows on the wall where the door was, not so much on the other walls though. The walls were completely bare just waiting to be filled up.

"Boys, welcome to our gallery!" I raised my arms up and smiled.

"Gallery?" Louis asked, "You mean like for photographs?"

"Yes for photographs. Em and I bought this place about a month ago for our photos." I explained to them.

"So where are the photos?" Niall asked looking around.

"Well, right now our money is tight so we had to stop the whole photograph and framing process. But once we get enough we'll be back on track." Emily said her voice full of hope.

"So, will our photos be hung up here?" Zayn grinned.

"Only if you want them to be." I smiled.

Zayn nodded his head as his answer.

"What's up stairs?" Liam asked pointing up.

"That would be our studio and editing room." Emily explained, "But it's a complete mess up there."

"Yeah, there's a lot of clutter." I stuck my hands in my pockets, "It'll take a while to clean it out."

"You want us to help?" Liam asked bring the considerate person he is.

"What? No, it's fines. Besides you guys are leaving tomorrow. That wouldn't be right."

"No, we want to." Zayn reassured me.

"We would have to get some supplies." Emily shrugged.

"Louis and I can get them." Harry offered.

"Alright, then let's do this!" Emily smiled

We all ran upstairs while Louis and Harry went to get some supplies.

We sorted through some things trying not to cut our hands on anything. Louis and Harry came back within 20 minutes with gloves, trash bags, air freshener, and a stereo. Emily plugged her phone in and played music.

We were all dancing to the music occasionally we would butt-bump into each other causing all of us to laugh.

Time was passing by quickly and we had at least half the room cleaned up. We all took a break and sat on the floor. I was beginning to regret wearing a sweater because I was sweating from all the work.

We all sat there in silence. The boys would give each other questioning looks once in a while leaving Emily and me in confusion.

I finally spoke up and said, "What's up with you guys?"

The boys all looked at each other; obviously they were caught off guard.

"Uhh..." Harry muttered.

"What?" Emily asked curiously.

"Okay, the boys and I were talking and we want to ask you ladies something," Liam started.

Emily and I looked at each other and back at the boys.

"We...want come...with us...on as the band's photographers." Liam asked his eyes glued on us.

Emily and I's jaws dropped open.

"You still have another day to think about it but-" Zayn started but was cut off by Emily.

"HELL YES!" Emily jumped up.

"Emily! This is a lot to think about!" I jumped up too.

"Stel, what is there to think about? This is amazing! We get to travel the world and take photographs just like you always wanted to do! Stella this is your dream!" She grabbed my shoulders and shook me lightly.

She was right. My dream was so be a professional photographer that traveled the world. I just didn't think it would happen THIS way.

The boys stared at us, their attention fully on Emily and me.

I thought about my internship and I thought about the gallery and then I thought about the money.

I looked at Liam, "Do we...get paid?"

"Yeah, of course. It'll be your job. You'd be working for us." He explained.

I thought about it more and I thought, "Screw it, this is the chance of a lifetime."

I looked at Emily then the boys and shouted, "HELL YES!"

Everyone cracked up and the boys jumped up to hug us. Zayn and I's hug lasted longer than any other hug.

I was going to be with these boys 24/7 starting tomorrow, but I would be working for them. I can't fall for someone I'm working for.

...Oh shit.

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