Dark Side- Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Do you guys have something against food?!" He snarled running his hand down his face and fixing me with an agitated look.

I didn't answer, he was suddenly PMSing all over the place. I shook my head at him and walked back out the door, going to get the car. He followed suit, storming up beside me. I already missed the nice Ian he was before, I liked him better when he was all lovey-dovey. I took him to the G6 parked outside in the driveway. Granted it wasn't one of the nicest cars but it didn't attract attention as much as the others did.  He got into the open passenger side door and slammed it, crossing his arms over his chest. God he was like a five year old. I sighed as I started the car , backing out of the driveway and starting towards the school.

Ian got over his little fit as we got closer to the school and started fiddling with the radio. I pulled in the parking lot, my nerves on edge because of his station flipping. I didn't even get to park the car when Ian jumped out, running over to the front doors as his pack pulled in. They were early.  I picked a parking spot and slid it in easily, making sure I was far away from any wolves. I got out of my car locked it and started towards the school at the same time the pack did. Again the hateful glares followed me as I went into the doors after Ian, trying to act like I never even knew he was there. They followed me inside, no surprise there. And Ian ignored me as I walked by him talking to that weird guy that was waving his arms at us. I made my way up the stairs and into the art hall surprised to see Wren waiting for me at the art room door. My stomach dropped as I saw him, no way. Ian and I start getting along and he finally gets involved? His heart pounded, filling my head with the sound of his blood. Until now I haven't noticed the symptoms of the blood I drank with Dianne. Now though I was starting to get cravings and the hunter inside me was trying to find it's next prey. I stared at Wren, not him. My mind crept towards his thoughts to keep away from his veins.

You can do this. You can do this. You used to dates the girl! He repeated again and again.

Just as I finished snooping through his thoughts Wren came over, still handsome in his plaid blue shirt and dark jeans. I tried to find reasons for him to be coming over here to talk to me, didn't he hate me?

"Hey." He mumbled rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hi." I smiled back, he was so cute when he was nervous.

"Listen Sophie, I've wanted you forever and I'm sorry I freaked when your ex was there. I like you I really do, and if you'll take me I want you back." He said rapidly his nerves were clear and made the whole thing sound that much sweeter. I looked out the window at Ian, he wouldn't care about what I did right? The Ian I saw last night was just a faze.

I looked back at Wren and smiled, "I'd like that."

The biggest smile crossed his face and I leaned up to kiss him. It didn't feel right though as his lips met mine, my stomach hurt, I craved Ian's lips. We made plans, I was going to his house after school and I was excited , I needed this. With my head in the clouds I waltzed inside the art class, all we had to do for our exams was hand in statues we've been working on. Mine was a mermaid sitting in flowers, creative I know. Darrin's was a hokey player sort of thing hitting a pile of leaves with a hokey stick. Our statues had to be of humans interacting with nature. I know a mermaid isn't really human but I covered most of her tail with flowers. At least mine looked human though, Darrin's didn't. Art wasn't his strong spot. I handed mine in after answering a few really simple questions about it on a piece of lined paper. The teacher smiled, thanked me for a good year and I left with Darrin right behind me.

"How'd you do?" Darrin asked.

"Better than you why?" I replied winking at him over my shoulder.

"I copied your answers." He laughed.

"How can you copy my answers on personal questions?" I asked giving him a 'duh' look.

"I changed the appropriate  words to make the sentence a proper statement. Duh." He countered looking smug as he speed up his walk, "By the way, I prefer a human to a dog." He smirked and practically sprinted out of the halls.

I left my mouth hanging open as he laughed from down the hall. That eavesdropper! I'm so doing it to him when he finds someone, no way he's getting away with that. A warm hand intertwined with mine and I turned half expecting to find Ian at the end of that hand, but smiled all the same when I met Wren's brown eyes.

"Ready to go?" He asked me, smiling down at me.

"Always." I nodded.

He lead me through the halls then out the front doors and down the long stretch of driveway. I sent Darrin a mental note about the car, he'd pick it up. I wasn't going to miss a second with Wren over some stupid car. I cuddled into his side, embracing the warmth of his body. He was like my own personal heater. I liked it.

We were about half way to his house when I smelt it full force. I stopped mid-stride and gasped making Wren look back at me concerned and worried. I was mirroring his emotions on the inside. The smell that filled my nostrils and shoved its way down my throat making me forget how to breathe was blood. Human blood. I looked up at Wren, I needed a lie, quick before I bit his arm off trying to get to whatever that smell was coming from. An accent creature inside of me was stirring and I didn't like it, not at all. How could I have let Dianne put me in this place?

"I left my purse back in my car, I'll go get it and meet you at your house?" I tried.

"Are you sure I can come with you?" He looked worried.

"No it's okay. I'll be fine." I assured him. starting to walk off in the opposite direction.

He grabbed my arm, "Don't get killed."

I smiled, "It'll be my fault for going back on my own."It wasn't me he had to worry about anyways.

He nodded and kept going as I turned and ran back the way I started going and waited until I was far enough away to circle around and follow my scent. The blood trail started at the edge of the forest and I followed it down a rocky path. Ignoring the screaming in my head to turn back as a hunger took over. I was more like a backseat driver, watching my body move in an animal-like way as I followed my senses. Oh god, what was I getting myself into?

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