33- More than she can handle

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It was getting late and the girls were getting tired. After getting them ready to leave, they had them give their grandparents a hug, and kiss goodbye. "I'll call, or stop by after my doctor's appointment. I'm crossing my fingers all tests come back normal."

"Please do." Charlotte said, giving her a hug. Harlow walked over to her dad, giving him a hug. "I'll see you in a few days," she said, kissing his cheek.

"Take care of yourself. We hate seeing you hurting," James said while hugging her.

Harlow was still feeling the tightness in her stomach and kept an eye on any bleeding. She had a bad feeling and couldn't get it off her mind, causing her to toss and turn throughout the night, keeping Antonio.

"Hun, try to get some sleep, it's not good for the baby," he whispered.

"I can't sleep. There's so many things running through my mind."

Antonio slid his arm underneath her, pulling her into his arms. She took a deep breath, laid her head onto his chest and closed her eyes while caressing his chest with her fingertips. He kissed the top of her head and whispered, "Might as well get some sleep there's nothing we can do right now, but close our eyes and hope for the best." She moved closer, wrapped her arm around him and pressed her body tightly against him. The comfort of being in his arms, easily relaxed her and was finally able to fall asleep.

The next morning, the girls awoke early and walked into their room, trying their hardest to climb up on the bed. Antonio felt the blankets tugging away from him and opened his eyes. Seeing what was going on, he helped them into the bed. "What are you girls doing awake so early?" he whispered, trying not to wake up Harlow. They climbed in under the sheets and snuggled in between Harlow and Antonio.

Harlow opened her eyes, and giggled quietly when she saw the girls lying with them. "This is perfect, isn't it," she asked with a big smile.

He rolled to his side, resting his arm over the girls and over Harlow's body. "Yes, luckily we're dressed," he chuckled.

They laid in bed a while longer after the girls fell back asleep. Enjoying the moment with them all together, Harlow closed her eyes. Antonio figured he better start making breakfast for everyone and quietly rolled out of bed.

He dug through the kitchen cupboards, and the fridge to see what he could make. With everything going on with Harlow, she hadn't been able to do any grocery shopping. He raked his fingers through his hair, thinking. He noticed they had a loaf of bread sitting on the counter and decided to make French toast.

While preparing breakfast, he heard the girls giggling while sliding and bouncing down the stairs. He walked out of the kitchen to see what they were up to and had to laugh when he saw them with a blanket, using it as a sled to go down the stairs. He walked over to the stairway, rested his hands on the railing, and smiled. "Where on earth did you girls learn that?"

"Ethan." Isabella giggled, while going down the stairs.

"Figures..." he said shaking his head. "You girls better come down and watch some cartoons before you hurt yourselves and before you wake up your mother."

"I'm awake." Harlow said as she walked to the edge of the stairs, looking down at the girls.

"Did you know your brother taught them that?"

She giggled. "Yes. They were doing that the other day with him." She started walking down the stairs and stopped to pick up the blanket. "He's got to be the fun uncle, you know," she giggled.

Antonio laughed, shaking his head while walking away. "I better finish making breakfast."

Harlow walked into the living room and turned on cartoons for the girls. She then walked over to Antonio, giving him a hug. "Thanks for making breakfast this morning, it smells good."

Antonio & HarlowWhere stories live. Discover now