25- A surprise for Antonio

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Antonio tackled Ethan to the ground, pinning him down. Ethan laughed while trying to push Antonio off him. "You should've seen your face."

"I can't believe you did that; I was ready to tell them to keep you in there." Antonio got off him and stood while holding his hand out and helping help him up. Giving him a shove after Ethan stood. "Don't ever do that to me again, my fricken heart felt like it dropped to the ground after that phone call."

"Sorry, I had to do it," he laughed.

"I'm going back to bed..."

"Goodnight," Ethan laughed.

The next few days were busy for the two as they spoke with the hotel employees. Explaining what they expected out of them and mentioning how they would be doing random unexpected visits, to see how things were going.

Ethan found and hired a woman to take over John's position, someone whose been in the business for a long time, one who had excellent references. The few jobs she had, each place enjoyed her, and her work ethics, with all past employers saying they would hire her back in a second. She was good with money, and good with making money for the companies.

Sunday finally came, both were tired and ready to go home. After making sure everything was running smoothly, they packed and headed to the airport, flying home much later than they wanted to be.

Antonio couldn't wait to see Harlow, and had a feeling she would be in bed by the time he got home. Instead of calling or messaging her, he wanted to surprise her. After walking into the house and seeing all the lights off, he knew she was in bed and quietly walked up the stairs. Walking into the bedroom, his heart melted the instant he saw her, lying in bed, peacefully asleep. He started walking towards her while removing his clothes and sat on the edge of the bed next to her, caressing the side of her face.

She rolled onto her back and smiled. "You're home..." she said quietly, with her eyes closed.

He leaned down, kissing her lips. "I'm home beautiful."

She opened her eyes and wrapped her arms around him, squeezing him. "I missed you."

He gave her another kiss then stood to remove the rest of his clothes. "Missed you too, Hun."

He climbed into bed, making sure to kiss every inch of her body, then made love to her for hours. "I missed this," he moaned with his lips still locked to hers, kissing her as if it was their last kiss.

"If you have to do this again, I'll try coming along next time. It felt like you were gone forever," she said, snuggling tighter against him.

"It would've been nice if you came along this time."

He kissed her forehead and closed his eyes, ready for the night to be over and happy to be home to have her in his arms again.


A month had gone by, Harlow was at work and had just brought her patient into the lunchroom to eat, when she suddenly felt ill and felt as if she were about to faint. She quickly grabbed the patient's food, set it down in front of him, then walked over to the program director to let him know she wasn't feeling well and needed to either go home, or sit in the break room for a bit. She felt her face starting to heat, then started feeling light headed and began to sweat. While talking to the program director and without warming, she let her insides out into the garbage next to them, nearly missing the director's feet.

"I'm sorry, that came out of nowhere," she said, barely getting the words out, feeling like she was about to do it again and hung her head over the garbage can, emptying out her insides once again.

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