Chapter 11

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Forgive P Beam. P is wrong. P promises to be responsible to Beam.

Forth still stares sadly at Beam back. He has made a big mistake. Beam will not forgive him. He has bind the freedom of Beam.


Beam works as a bookkeeper and purchases a local bar run by Forth. During this time Beam easily blended with other Forth employees, nobody dared to bother him because Forth had told them.

Forth considers Beam like Neem, his own sister. He loves Beam ambition and hard work for his family. He knew Beam was a strong man, he was in trouble.

Until the error is made.

That night, Forth was drunk as the woman he loved married someone else, his best friend. But Forth also can not do much because the woman was from the beginning not brlong to him. Forth was so afraid to express his feelings until he heard the news of the wedding.

Forth did not come home after a hangover, afraid that Neem was worried about him now. He is the only brother, the only sibling owned by Neem. So, Forth decided to go to office and found Beam still working this late.

Forth initially intended to send Beam home, without realizing it he pulled the hand Beam to cause electrical reaction throughout his body. That's why he knows Beam is his mate. Beam like a Kit, hot suffering in the first time suffered. Beam did not think that this Forth is his mate and Forth loves other person.

Beam tries to take the heat medication that he is prepared if at any time he gets heat. Not until Beam came to his desk, he was pulled by Forth and threw it onto the couch.

Forth who was not conscious enough to control himself, immediately kiss Beam by force. His instinct brings himself to taste Beam, the aroma that Beam releases has aroused his passion to the culmination.

"P .... hmph .... sto .... stopp ...." Beam tried to control himself and encouraged Forth not to go any further.

"Mate ... mate ...." the word was repeatedly spoken by Forth.

The demands to be touched already controlled Beam until Beam replied to all Forth treatment. Forth bit behind the Beam neck, signaling its ownership of Beam. And this sex is the creation of an integral bond between Alpha and Omega.

It should all be beautiful, it should be meaningful, if only at that moment Forth did not mention the name of the woman he loved when he reached the peak of pleasure.

Sense of disappointment and forcibly hurt the heart Beam, He is just a substitute. Forth just wanted his body. Forth just want .......


Have sex with him. And make Beam not free to choose. He was bound by Forth.



"So, when there's a good-looking and charismatic doctor going by, you'll have to take the picture right away, do not forget the angle and the face should be clear." Ask Wayo who made sure Neem understood what he was teaching.

"Neem understands P'Wayo."

"Okay, Neem goes to the right lane and P goes to the left, remember that Neem needs 100 photos." Wayo divides the war strategy.

"Ready P."

And they split up the action.

Only 15 minutes Wayo runs his mission, the sound of his mobile has been ringing fast.

"Hallo ..." Answer Wayo without seeing who is calling him.


"Ming, do not bother me now."


"I'm busy right now."


"Okay, Okay, I'll fix your date with Kit."


"Kit likes the Lemon flavored cake."


"Do not go to amusement park, Kit does not like it. Just go to the Aquarium."


"Give me 5,000 baths and I'll bring Kit to you."


"Okay, I'll call you later."

Phew ... one business deal is over.

Just as I steered my camera, my phone rang again. I'm very busy today.

"What else Ming?" I say irritated and surprised that it was not Ming but Neem.


"What happend Neem?"






"Halll .... o ..... doc ... doc..tor ... Pha ... Pha .... na ...." Wayo stammered like a chicken thief who was caught red-handed.


"Okay ... I'll go there." Wayo said limply.

Oh God, I hope he did not report me to the police. I do not want to go to jail. I'm still young and cute.


"When did you get out of here?" Arthit said annoyed, from morning until noon in the afternoon Kongpop still feel at home in his shop disrupt Arthit.

"Until Arthit agrees to date  with me." Kongpop word never backwards.

"WILL NEVER." Arthit pressed his words so that Kongpop backed away from him.

"Then I'll come every day, from morning till night, from the open shop until close the shop, no matter what Arthit must willing to go out with me."

"Do not mess with me Kong." Arthit glares angrily.

"I'm the man who do what I say Arthit.We'll see which ones survive, my perseverance or your rejection." Arthit does not care about Kongpop.








"Arghh .... fine Fine I'll go date with you."

See, I am the winner.

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