Chapter 9

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"Kit ... Wayo time to go home." Kongpop saw the clock already shows at 12:00 tonight.

"Yes P." Wayo and Kit shouted in unison, where Wayo just stood beside Kit and Kit sweeping the floor. Kit finished the job first and then said good-bye to Kongpop.

"Let me drive you." Kongpop offered to take them. (Zyzy: there seems Kong have a hidden purpose here 😆😆).

"P, that is my job." Ming protests. If P'Kong who drive them, Ming can not flirt with Kit.

"You must school tomorrow, P will go instead of you."

"But this is my job, P. I have to do it."

Kit and Wayo are confused in this brother quarrel.

"P said P will be drive them, so P will take them."

"No, i wanna drive them."

"Ming ..." said Kongpop voice began to rise.

"P'Kong ..." Ming also did not want to lose.

"Errr .... we went home alone." Kit said that tried to mediate.

"NOT ALLOWED." Ming and Kongpop shouted together to make Kit a little scared. These brothers are waging eye attacks.

"Yes,how about both of you are taking us home together" Wayo said that is seem to be true.

"OKAY." Said Ming and Kongpop unison once again.

They were delivered by Kongpop car, where the Kongpop as driver, Wayo in the passenger seat, Ming and Kit in the back seat.

Kit felt uncomfortable because Ming was too close to him. Even next to Ming there is still big empty space but Ming sticks to Kit.

"Kit ... have a nice sleep na.., do not forget to dream about Ming na ..." Ming launched his seduction attack.

"Why I must dream about you Ming?" Say Kit scrupulously.

"So Kit dont miss Ming when Kit gets up."

UEKKK ... Wayo and Kit seem to want to throw up a sneak of Ming ragged seduction. (Zyzy also wants to throw up 🤢🤢).

"Ming, Kit feels uncomfortable, move a little, pity him Ming." Kongpop reprimanded his brother whose behavior was out of bounds.

Ming ignored Kongpop warning until the Kongpop glared angrily to Ming. Ming could not help but pout following Kongpop orders.


Arthit walked back and forth at his shop waiting for his siblings to return home after work at the supermarket.

It's 12 o'clock, why are they still not going home?

Shortly heard the sound of the car rattle stopped right in front of his shop, Arthit immediately ran up to the sound.

Kit and Wayo got out of the car followed by man from the supermarket and another one he did not know.

"Kit, Wayo .." Call Arthit to his two younger siblings. Seeing Arthit instantly smiling at the face of Kongpop. Indeed this means he ushered Wayo and Kit. Want to meet Arthit after knowing that Wayo and Kit are Arthit brothers.

"Hi Arthit" said Kongpop who only smiled back by Arthit.

"Why come home late night?" Arthit asked his two siblings.

"I'm sorry there's an event finished late night." Kongpop answered before Kit opened his mouth.

Ming sees Kongpop strange behaviour here, unusually P'Kong never interrupts the conversation of others.

"Uhmmm thank you for delivering my brother." Arthit said that felt a little awkward.

"Do not forget to rest and sleep well." Here Arthit feels confused,the Kongpop word is addressed to him or to his brothers. If to him but they only knew just last night. If to his brother why Kongpop looked at him when he said that.

"P'Kong, P'Arthit is uncomfortable, do not get too close, move a little." Said the satisfied Ming took revenge on his brother over the treatment Kongpop had do to him. Kongpop cursed under his breath.

"Then I'll excuse Wayo, Kit and see you again Arthit." Kongpop did wai and went with Ming.

"Kit do not forget dream Mingg ....." yelled Ming before finally forced into the car same Kongpop.

"Strange people." Arthit mumble.

Ohooo there is a new whale approaching. Wayo thought happy.


"Neem, this Wayo and Wayo this is Neem." Beam introduces both of them as his promise.

"Hallo P'Wayo." Neem said shyly

"Hai Nong Neem."

"Wayo will become Neem friend, Beam is busy making money."

"What's the gift?" As always the Wayo always asks for a reward if given the task.

"Beam buy ice cream 1 box."

"No, 3 boxes."

"2 boxes or none at all." Threatened Beam.

"Okay, okay 2 boxes." Wayo said happy.

"Beam leave first, Beam have a business, Bye Neem."

"Be careful P." Neem waved with a smile. It is really a gift, Neem likes Beam before. Beam proved his promise to introduce Wayo to be Neem friend. Beam is indeed a gentleman.

"Er ... P'Wayo, what do you usually do?" Neem tries to be familiar with Wayo.

"School and play, then I also work partime."

"Great, P is still in school but working." Neem said amazed.

"Just ordinary people" Wayo said modestly when in his heart happy to hear Neem praise.

"Can I work partime?"

"Of course you can."

"Is it true ?"

"Yeah." Neem jumped for joy.

"What should Neem do?"

"Ehmm ... Neem has a camera?"

"At home."

"Okay, take your camera and follow me to the hospital.We'll work there."

This is where the beginning of cooperation between master stalker and lady stalker.

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