Chapter 2

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The school should be a place to learn but that does not apply to Beam. Beam spread charm and seduction everywhere. Rumors about Beam a playboy already known to many people but Beam never touched his lover. Beam still appreciate them. Not like a tissue that has been used and then thrown away.

"Beam, someone looking for you." Sutte said one of their classmates. Beam noticed there was a tiny woman waiting in front of her class.

"What can I do for you, sweet lady." Said Beam is as soft and sweet as it may exceed the expired candy.

"Hmm .. P ... I ... I ... want P to be my boyfriend." This little woman is brave enough to also express love in front of his class. But this woman is too innocent, unsuitable to be the material of Beam wealth.

"Sorry Nong, I can not." Answer the cold Beam ago left the little woman for granted.

"Owww you for rejecting her." Kit said sarcastically.

"She still too innocent." Beam replied casually.


As usual Beam, Kit and Wayo come home after school together. Suddenly Beam pulled two people into a black car. Wayo and Kit are shocked and yelled for help but Beam has been taken away by them.

"Let's report to P'Arthit." Kit memorizes the license plate number and pulls Wayo go to home.


"Are you the one Beam Rojnapat?" Asked a tall, well-built man.

"Who are you ?" Beam turned to ask, for some reason he was not afraid to face the tall man in front of him.

"Forth, brother of Neem."

Beam wondered who Neem was. He did not feel know that name.

"My sister, the woman you rejected yesterday." Said Forth seemed to know what Beam was thinking.

"Ooohhh ..." Beam replied casually. "then what do you want?"

"Why did you reject her?" Ask Forth to the point.

"Because she is still innocent."

"Is not nice to be dating an innocent woman?"

"I'm a bad guy, just dating for my house needs, so I do not want to hurt her." Beam answered honestly.

Forth did not expect to hear such an answer from Beam playboy. He knows that Beam still values ​​a woman.

"Okay you can go home." Said Forth hinted his men to deliver Beam.

"Hey old gentleman, what the hell I have been kidnapped and you told me to go home, I'm asking for reward." (Author: why the kidnap victims ask for a reward to kidnapped him 😑😑).

Unique man according to Forth, there is rarely anyone against a Forth, Thailand underground chief.

"What do you want ?"

"I asked for 10 sacks of rice."

"That is all ?"

"10 boxes fried oil, soy sauce 10 boxes, Sugar and salt are also 10 boxes, eggs 10kg, wheat flour 10 boxes." Beam tries to save the cost of his life for 1 year ahead.

"Hahahaha ... why do not you ask for cash? It's more practical." Forth said that confused with this child request.

"No, my big brother will suspect if I have a lot of money, and I do not need your money, it's full of sin, I just need those things."

"Okay I agree11, let's say the guilt of my abduction kidnapped you."

"Take that stuff to my house tomorrow." Beam Command.

"You dare to order me?"

"It's obvious you're wrong, you have to obey me."

"Hahahaha .. well I will meet your wishes."


Kit and Wayo reported Beam abduction to Arthit. Arthit was surprised to hear the news. Arthit in doubt, should he report to the police? If so, he has no more money to make a report. But if he does not report, Beam is in danger.

Arthit decides to report to the police, his brother is more important above all else. When out for report, Beam already in front of the bakery.

"Beammm ..." Cried Arthit burst into his naughty little brother.

"I'm okay P." Beam said soothing him.

Wayo and Kit who saw Beam ran to him. As a result they like teletubies hug.

Beam told him that the kidnapping was just a misunderstanding because Forth thought Beam was playing with his sister.

"So do not continoue spread the charm." Kit said that still advises Beam.

"It's for our common good." Beam said the same suck principle.

"Ow yes P, tomorrow someone will deliver the kitchen supplies." Said Beam that makes Arthit, Kit and Wayo stunned.

"Haha .. that's a sorry Forth for misunderstanding." Then amused to see the looks of his brothers.

"Ooohhh ..." they said oh in unison.

"See, what lucky I got kidnapped, so we can save our money." Beam said proudly.

"Yes, when are you kidnapped again? I'm asking for a baked machine, it is a bit old "Arthit said annoyedly.

"I'm asking for the latest nike shoes." Seru Kit also chimed in P'Arthit.

"I want to eat Lobster, I've never eaten lobster." This time Wayo asked.

"Whattttt ???" This time the Beam was stunned.

Got you Beam.... 😂😂😂

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