Chapter 53

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Zyzy faster update that should be updated on Saturday. Because this Saturday Zyzy wants to play a lot, so let go for freedom Zyzy up this chap first 😁😁✌✌.

Wayo smiled happily, there were lobsters, crabs and even his favorite strawberry ice cream taste was presented beautifully before him. Today they celebrated graduation, Forth, Phana, Ming, Wayo, Kit and Beam decided to celebrate at Wayo favorite restaurant in one of the malls in Bangkok. This is not a triple date, it's just celebrating graduation because Wayo insists them.

Later, after eating, they will go to the jewelry shop because Phana wants to buy a ring for Wayo for his Wayo purposed him the other day.


Wayo knocked on the door of Phana doctor office by carrying a lobster package in his hand. The door opened. Wayo immediately knelt on one leg by lifting the lobster box high without seeing who opened the door again.

"P'Pha, please become Wayo wife ..." Wayo shouted, which made Ming want to get away from the place immediately in shame. Just imagine, this is still in the corridor and Wayo yells like that inviting questions from the person who heard it. And the worst is the one who opened the door was P'Off not P'Phana.

"HAHAHAHAH ..." P'Off laughed openly, holding his aching stomach due to the way the behavior was stupid and too stupid according to Off.

"Noisy Ai'Off ..." said Phana who was annoyed because Wayo had misjudged, and now it turned out to be a laughing matter Off. Wayo looked up and only realized what really happened.

"Huaaa ... hua ... P'Pha is evil ..." Wayo said who stood up and wanted to run away from there. Immediately Phana pulled Wayo into his room and asked Ming to close the door. Phana hugged Wayo who was still crying and glared at Off who was still laughing.

"Yo ..." Phana called softly. "Yo purpose for P?" Tanya Phana.

"Um ..." Wayo just muttered and nodded slowly, still remaining tears falling on his cheeks.

"I'm glad Yo wants to purpose for P." Phana said, kissing Wayo top head. "P accepted Wayo proposal." Wayo smiled even though not as he imagined where Phana would cry and be the happiest person in the world when the Wayo proposed to him.

"EHEMM ..." Off said cleared his throat so they realized there were still people around them not an empty room.

"Nong Yo what is you bring to purpose Ai'Pha ?" Ask Off, Wayo immediately glanced to the right and left looking for the lobster box. That's an important offering for P'Phana. Ahh apparently fell at the end near the door. Luckily I found it, if not then Wayo plan wilm fail. Wayo took the box and handed it to Phana.

"This is for P'Pha ..."

"What is that ?" Off asked curiously as Ming bit his lips hard so as not to laugh at this eloquent scene. Wayo opened the box.

"Lobster for Phana? As a gift for proposal?" Question Off answered by a nod of his head by Wayo.

"HAHAHHAHA ..." Off laughed even harder, until he could not stand rolling on the floor and holding his stomach.

"HAHAHAHAHHA ..." Ming couldn't hold back his laughter anymore. Wayo sullen way of looking at them. What's wrong with lobster? It's natural not to give what we like to people we like. So Wayo gave Phana lobster. The food he likes.

"Thanks Yo. " Phana said, although he felt strange, but rather than later, Wayo pouted at him. Ming and Off laughed even harder at Phana answer.

"Don't listen to them. They're just jealous." Phana words tried to distract Wayo.

"Then ..." Off tried to stop his laughter and wipe away the tears that came out due to most laughs. "Where the ring?" Ask Off.

"P'Pha will bought, not Wayo ..." replied Wayo innocently.

Oh my gosh, this child doesn't want to lose anything.


"Wayo will choose the ring later ..." Said Wayo prided himself.

"What for Yo?" Ask Beam while opening the crab shell.

"For Wayo and P'Pha wedding rings ..." Wayo words successfully made others choke.

"WHATTT ???" The most shocked here are Beam and Kit. Okay, they know that Phana mate Wayo but they also don't think it will be this fast Wayo is married. Moreover, Wayo just graduated from school.

"How can ?" Ask Beam was a little confused about this situation.

"Yo purpose me." Obviously Phana.

Kit shook his head. It's hard to believe in Wayo weird behavior.

"Later you have to come with Yo to choose the ring huh." Wayo said he wanted to show off to Kit and Beam. Kit and Beam shrug their shoulders which means it's up to Wayo.


Wayo walks proudly into a jewelry shop. He will buy a wedding ring with P'Phana. Wayo pointed out this and that but there was still nothing right in his heart. on the other hand Kit pointed to a ring and asked the shopkeeper to get it.

"Wow, you have good taste, this is a limited edition ring. There is only one in this world." the shopkeeper smiled at the kit.

"A beautiful ring ..." Kit said smiling. Kit is a shy person, so he is only in the corner of the shop.

"Wuaaa ... I want this one ..." said Wayo grabbing the ring from Kit hand and running to everyone while Kit just stood there.

"A beautiful ring Yo ..." Beam said. It is true that the ring is of high quality, the design is simple and elegant. Without realizing it, Kit had left the jewelry store.

"Kit ... Kit ..." Ming panicked knowing Kit wasn't there. "Sorry, did you see the young man standing here?" Ask Ming told the shopkeeper.

"The young man who has dimples." The shopkeeper said to make sure what the young man meant.

"Right. Here's the picture." Ming showed his picture together with Kit.

"What's Ming?" Asked Beam which was followed by Forth, Phana and Wayo who had finished the transaction.

"Kit ... Kit doesn't here." Answer Ming nervously.

"The young man came out. It seems like he was sad, I saw him almost crying." The shopkeeper said that made Ming heart feel hurt. What is Kit sad for? Why doesn't he know?

"Why? Why is Kit sad?" This time the Wayo asked impatiently.

"Maybe he also wants the ring." The shopkeeper said pointing to the paper bag that Wayo had brought with his limited edition ring. Wayo face turned pale when he heard that, he also remembered that he immediately took the ring from Kit hand without asking first.

"Hua ... hua ... all because of Wayo ..." Wayo started crying so everyone didn't understand.

"Why Yo?" Asked Beam began to panic, Kit disappeared and now Wayo is crying. Please, don't let it happen again like in the past.

"Yo ... hik ... Yo ... hik ... Yo took the ring from Kit hand."

Duar ... what the Beam feared happened.  Kit is middle child of them. He sometimes feels jealous of Wayo, because they always tell Kit to budge.

"Hub ... contact his cellphone ..." Beam said nervously. He was afraid Kit would hide like he used to.

"Already, but not answered. And the cellphone is now inactive." Ming said nervously and then went out looking for Kit, who knew Kit would still be in the Mall or around the Mall.

Beam fell slumping, sitting limp. "Don't Kit ... don't repeat it again." Beam said in a panic.

Where are you Kit ??

6. ALPHA & OMEGA ( ENG )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora