Chapter 38

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In vain had been all Wayo plans, when Wayo had intended to order 20 lobsters, 5 gallons of ice cream, 200pcs mini cakes, 10 crabs and many more for P'Forth birthday. But it's all just a plan, and it's because of P'Kongpop.

P'Kongpop who knew their plan, said that there was no need to hold Forth birthday, because they were all invited to the 30th anniversary of Suthiluck group and there was an important announcement there.

Wayo wore his black suit.

"It's ok Yo, we will eating together." Persuade Beam.

"Right, why are you sulking like that." Kit said.

"But there's no lobster ..." Wayo said sulkily.

"Ask P'Kong to buy after the event." The suggestion of Beam that makes Wayo pat his forehead. That's right, why it's unthinkable Wayo. Wayo quickly changed his mood, from which dark clouds with thunder became bright and colored like the beautiful rainbow.

"Ready yet?" Arthit shouted from below. The three of them immediately went down.

"Why are you wearing a suit?" Arthit asked who is confused why they wear a suit, anyway just this corporate event. That they were the only guests of the interlude. So what's so neat.

"Is P sure P wear a shirt and jeans?" Asked Beam astonished. P'Arthit was too relaxed.

"Is there something wrong with my clothes?" Ask Arthit Splashy Spooks make them go awry, have to talk honestly what not.

"Not really P." Answer Kit quicker than P 'Arthit will angry later.

"Kit, are you sure going there?" Arthit asked worriedly.

"Why P?" Kit actually understands Arthit intentions but he wants to prove that he can live just fine without Ming.

"There's Ming there." Arthit answer made Wayo heart pound with nervousness. The goal is to take Kit to meet Ming.

"It's okay P. Besides P'Kong is Kit boss, Kit dont want to rejected his invitation." Kit said with a smile indicating that he is fine.

"The pickup car is here." Gun shouted from the front. Just like Arthit, Gun only dress casual is not formal.


They entered one of the five-star hotel ballrooms in Bangkok, many important people were present there except the five of them.

The glasses are laid out as towering like in the movies, not to mention the many delicious meals they rarely encounter. They just stand in the corner, as much as possible do not attract other attention.

"Let's hear the welcome word by Kongpop as CEO and largest shareholder of Suthiluck Group." Said MC gives the time and place for Kongpop to speak.

"Thanks to everyone who attended the 30th anniversary of the Suthiluck group. Perhaps I can not mention one by one to express my gratitude to all of you, be it shareholders, workers and relations who have contributed to the success of the company this." Kongpop said with a straightforward and confident that people who heard it became stunned.

"On the 30th anniversary of this company I have made the important decision, that I resign as CEO." This decision shocked all shareholders, employees, relations and media and the five omega present.

"Is P'Kong become a poor man?" Asked Wayo who was worried about the fat whale become anchovies.

"Hush ... shut up." Kit said clamped on Wayo mouth. While Arthit just paused and thought.

"Why did you resign?" Asked one of the journalists.

"Because I'm getting married." Kongpop answered smilingly.

Pang ... Arthit heartbroken hear Kongpop will get married. Apparently true, Kongpop just plays with him. Do you think Kongpop will marry Arthit? Arthit says no, because Kongpop has not proposed Arthit and now he announces his marriage which means Kongpop will marry someone else, according to Arthit.

"We did not hear you engaged?" Ask another reporter.

"I've been hiding my lover all along." Answer Kongpop.

See. Kongpop is engaged. His heart was in extreme pain. Betrayal is repeated again. His body trembled and tears fell on Arthit cheeks without realizing it, if it was not for Gun holding back his hand, Arthit had wanted to leave.

"Who is that lucky person?" Ask one of the shareholders.

"He ..." the lights followed the direction that Kongpop pointed to the corner of the room.

Arthit looked blankly, unaware that he was in the spotlight.

"His name is Arthit Rojnapat, my future wife."

BRUKKK ..... Arthit fainted ...

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