Chapter 36

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"So you're going to marry P'Forth?" Ask Ming who opened the discussion 'free dinner because treated  by P'Forth' with members 4 omega and 1 alpha.

"Not now, wait for me to finish college." Said Beam does not usually take for granted.

"So you've accept P'Forth?" Ask Kit.

"Ehm .. what else, he's my mate and besides ...." said Beam who has not finished his words cut by Wayo.

"He's a fat whale." Wayo said excitedly. Try to think you guys? If Beam is married to P'Forth then P'Forth will comply with all Beam will. And because Beam is fond of Wayo, so Wayo can ask anything to Beam. Beam just have spicy mouth.

"Yoo ... is not there anything else you think about?" Ask the Gun, why only this one child who deviates from the path of life.

"Money is important, no money, no lobsters." Said Wayo gives the word parable.

"Wayooo !!" Gun twist Wayo ear. Gun already thinks they are like his own brother.

"Pain ... P ..." Gun finally let go Wayo ear. And Wayo scowled.

"Are you sure Beam?" Ask Gun. Beam just smiled and nodded. All happy Beam could finally accept Forth even accepted his proposal except for Ming. He also wants to get married as soon as possible with Kit.


"Kit, we're the only ones who have not bonded yet ... So ..." Ming twirled his finger across Kit thigh.

"What do you want?" Tanya Kit grumpily and brushed Ming hand.

"Kit ... na ... na ... Beam has accepted P'Forth proposal, Wayo has also done it with P'Phana, it's just only leave us." Ming protests.

"What did you say? Wayo did what with P'Phana?" Search Kit. This is bad Ming. Why my mouth slipped.

"No .. did not do anything hahaha ..." you owe me P'Phana. Think Ming.

"Tell me." Demand Kit.

"No naaa ..." Ming insisted on covering up. He did not want Kit to damage the relationship between P'Phana and wayo. He will step in to commemorate P'Phana.

"Better focus with us na ... Kit na ..." Ming-style spoiled hugging Kit. This is an opportunity for Ming. Kongpop is busy taking care of his business outside. Only Kit and Ming are here together.

"Ming hmph ....." Kit utterance cut off as Ming stepped forward and crushed Kit lips. They beat each other. The thirst of wanting to taste Kit body teased into Ming heart. Ming ventured to lift Kit shirt but was soon arrested by Kit.

"Kit please na ..." please Ming but Kit still hold it. Ming is very passionate, he wants Kit tonight.

Ming was like a possessed man, in fact he insisted on undressing Kit waistband and tires that made Kit wriggle increasingly becoming.

"Do not ... do not ... no Ming ..." Kit continues to beg but is ignored by Ming. Ming continued to launch the action until Kit could not stand and finally cried. Seeing the weeping Kit made Ming come to a sensation, he was out of the barrier. Kit has refused, how can he keep forcing Kit.

"Sorry ... sorry ..." Ming said wiping Kit tears. Kit went on crying, feeling pain and hurt in his heart.

"I hate you ...." Kit said through his crying.

"Sorry Kit, Ming ... Ming unconsciously do it .. Sorry Kit hikk ..." Ming also cried apologize profusely to Kit.

"Is this your purpose for a relationship with me?" Kit said sarcastically and fiercely. "Just for sex? Because Beam has done so you can do me HAH !!" Kit anger was unstoppable again. Ming just paused pleading, really he regretted his stupid act.

"Kit ... sorry na ...."

"I am wrong to judge you Ming. If you want to have sex, do it with others I do not forbid you. Let break up." Kit said that ran out crying.

Ruined Ming world. What was so bright became dark when Kit declared breakup with him.

A few days later.

Kongpop is confused by Ming attitude change. No more smiles or jokes in Ming life. He was only somber, sometimes Kongpop heard Ming crying quietly at night. Likewise with Kit, Kit is still fierce but sad faces never disappear from his face.

What's wrong with these two boys? Think Kongpop. Kongpop must take action so that this problem does not drag on.

"Tell P." Said Kongpop who came to his brother room by force.

"It's okay P." Said Ming lied. Ming is not good at lying let alone all the things that concern about Kit, all his feelings radiated on his face.

"Tell me honest Ming. P will help." Persuad Kongpop. Ming tells what happened between himself and Kit. Kongpop wants to get angry but he also pity sees Ming suffering. Ming has been rewarded according to Kongpop.

"Do you know why Kit rejected you?" Ask Kongpop to try to explain Kit thought.

"Do not know."

"Ming, what age are you now?"

"I'm your borther, you do not know my age." Ming protests but with a weak tone. It was not Ming as usual who was spoiled when he was protest.

"Just answer it."

"18 years."

"Age Kit?"

"17 years, 3 months to 18 years."

"Do you have any income?" Ask Kongpop. Ming wondered why Kongpop asked that. Ming just a whistle. So far his income is pocket money from Kongpop.

"You want to marry Kit?" Ming nodded.

"Ming, you have no income but you want to bond with Kit, if Kit is pregnant, how do you support your family?" Kongpop question is like opening up new insights for Ming.

"You can not rely on P continuously.  You'll have a family of your own, as well as P. Beam can accept Forth because Forth is well established and mature. He is able to keep Beam fully. Although whatever happens to Beam, Forth has the power against the world for Beam, do you also have power like Forth? " Ming fumbled once more.

"Ming, all the companies P will leave on you, learn well, be mature then Kit will be sure to surrender to you. You are still a kid now." Ming was surprised to hear Kongpop statement.

"Then what about P?" Asked Ming. If all the companies are for me Ming, then how Kongpop?

"Hahahaha ... P has enough savings to be old with Arthit. Arthit is not the type who like to waste money. P will help Arthit run his bakery. It's Arthit dream, yes even though he did not say it."

"But it's too late P." Said Ming regretted his actions. Rice has become porridge.

"Why are you desperate? Do not you have a reliable friend." Kongpop said that makes Ming confused.

"Who's P?"

"Wayo Rojnapat."

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